I'm here !

Beauty .. in flowers

.. Aster
.. Azalea / pink
.. Buddleja davidii/Butterfly shrub
.. Candy Tuft
.. Carolina Primrose
bloom in day-close at night -
.. Chives
.. Clematis [ Kardynal Wyszynski ]
.. Common Pyxie-moss
.. Coral Bells
.. Cosmos - orange 2016
.. Crepe Myrtle
.. Creeping Phlox
.. Crocus
.. Daffodils
.. Dandelions
.. Daisy - Marguerites
.. Daylily/orange ( Tawney Lily )
.. Daylily/yellow ( Golden P…  (read more)

22 Jun 2021

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170 visits

.. you are

slowly coming out of the shadows into the light the white Arrowroot is where you are headed, Andy coming from the area of Winsome Lady Day Lillies we wait for you as you make small steps back to us all --- 1 PiP ---

18 Jun 2021

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198 visits


.. in the good news about Andy .. you are a fighter,My Friend .. your Family and the Ipernity Family are with you .. we always will be. For Andy Black Eyed Susan [Rudbeckia] -- EXPLORE / GALLERY --

18 Jun 2021

8 favorites


151 visits

Hello !

Black Eyed Susan [Rudbeckia] .. smiling faces sending cheer and good vibes .. For Andy .. We are so happy, that we all got together in the sun .. And that lady who takes photos here at the Park .. Said she would send it to you. Get well, Dear Friend.. .. 1 PiP ..

15 Jun 2021

12 favorites


149 visits

Slowly ..

coming out of the darkness .. to the light that shines for you, Andy .. small steps .. we ALL wait for you.. For Andy EXPLORE / GALLERY

09 Jun 2021

15 favorites


138 visits

Hot colors !

Left top - Tawny Lily Right top - Winsome Lady Lily Bottom right - Spiderwort Bottom left - Hydrangea Sending colors to Andy PiP on each flower .. GALLERY / EXPLORE

28 May 2021

22 favorites


254 visits

Ah --

Tawney Lily against a Sky Of Blue - With wispy Cotton Clouds - “What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.” Joseph Addison -- 3 PiP --

17 May 2021

6 favorites


191 visits

-- more than one

- small Iris - midst a sea of green - more than one For Andy and Another Link In The Chain Group

17 May 2021

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179 visits

Clematis ..

Searching for a blue sky - Found what a friend calls a "dingy" sky - The Kardynal Clematis a a persistent group - After all - I'm the Gardner ! [ they bloom in spite of what I do ] ~ For Andy - He is a Persistent Soul ! 1 PiP

05 May 2021

12 favorites


229 visits

Sunshine and shadows ..

Clematis -- Kardynal Wyszynski Grows near the mailbox - Last year, a Mockingbird nest was built behind the leaves - So far, no Mockingbird activity - But, the Kardynal has a multitude of buds - Must keep winding the vine away from the mailbox - Or no mail ! That might not be a bad idea - since most of it is Junk Mail - Need to check with nextdoor neighbor - She took a cutting in hopes she can get it to bloom in her yard - Will let y'all know. Have a beautiful day - Wherever you call home . 1 PiP
610 items in total