I'm here !

Beauty .. in flowers

.. Aster
.. Azalea / pink
.. Buddleja davidii/Butterfly shrub
.. Candy Tuft
.. Carolina Primrose
bloom in day-close at night -
.. Chives
.. Clematis [ Kardynal Wyszynski ]
.. Common Pyxie-moss
.. Coral Bells
.. Cosmos - orange 2016
.. Crepe Myrtle
.. Creeping Phlox
.. Crocus
.. Daffodils
.. Dandelions
.. Daisy - Marguerites
.. Daylily/orange ( Tawney Lily )
.. Daylily/yellow ( Golden P…  (read more)

05 Aug 2021

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173 visits

Ms. Myrtle ..

Her time is now to bloom against a North Carolina blue canvas so many buds Ms Myrtle and two sisters are blooming !!! Of all the varieties of Crepe Myrtle this one is the last to bloom here love watching when the white ones begin then on to several other varieties and now My Turn ! Hope you enjoy as much as I do ! 2 PiP .................................................................................................................................... THIS IS A RE-POST OF MS. MYRTLE .. BUDS ARE STARTING TO OPEN -- FOR THIS SEASON -- SHALL GO OUT AND GET SOME PHOTOS TOMORROW

04 Aug 2021

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161 visits

Whimsy ...

Shall we dance in the blue sky with puffy thingys you go left I'll circle around a moment of time to share love and be grateful we have it ! Photo and words - Peggy C

23 Jul 2021

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212 visits

A feast ..

Buddleja blossoms must have delicious nectar! This Carpenter Bee took his time so as not to miss anything. My nextdoor neighbor is thanked every time I catch these photos. He planted this (surely for me to come take photos) .. Only I didn't live here --- yet! 1 PiP

18 Jul 2021

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142 visits

Just Visiting ..

A Black Eyed Susan - [Rudbeckia] Down the road at City Park - Getting nectar on top - Don't know what the long-legger is doing - 1 PiP -- EXPLORE / GALLERY --

16 Jul 2021

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212 visits

Fine Dining ..

4 PiP across top -- Kwanso Day Lily -- Bonanza Day Lily -- Stick snack or perch -- Turk's Cap -- -- EXPLORE / GALLERY

10 Jul 2021

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222 visits

A Turk's Cap Day ..

. yes, I do like these Turk's Cap Lily blooms . they are Native to North Carolina and are perennials . 5 ft tall and have white Arrowroot and Bonanza Day Lilles . 1 bloom yesterdy . 4 today . lots of buds this year Turk's Cap Lily (Lilium superbum) 6 PiP EXPLORE / GALLERY

07 Jul 2021

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192 visits

Orange beauty ..

Turk's Cap Lily .. First to bloom this year .. They grow about 5' tall .. The bud next to the open one .. Shall be next to open .. 2 PiP

29 Jun 2021

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169 visits

. . .

People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day. " -- Winnie The Pooh -- 1 PiP --

29 Jun 2021

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181 visits

Gold from Mother Nature ..

Bonanza Day Lily 2 PiP Gold Day Lily Carolina Primrose -- this blooms during the day; a friend has a night-bloomer.
610 items in total