Albert as the ice started 5-12-13

Explored !

I did't know ... others Congratulated me !!!


It was something that happened to others... not me.... till now

I am over the Moon !

Thankyou all for your wonderful support and comments ... they mean more than you know.

Thanksgiving Day 27-11-14

27 Nov 2014 23 33 602
Thanksgiving Day table setting. All the leaves and all but one of the seed heads come from this 2 acres. EXPLORED !

Ready for a Traditional English Christmas Dinner 2…

25 Dec 2014 30 53 1036
.... Right in the heart of America .... Turkey/Roast Potatos/4 Vegetables/Chestnuts/Cranberries/Homemade special family recipe Stuffing/Christmas Pudding/Mince Pies and Cream. EXPLORED ! Also awarded by Marvin & Rosemary Matthews their "Picture Overall Choice" for January 2015 Thankyou so much........ ~~*BLESSINGS*~~

Cardinal in the snow ! 27-12-14

27 Dec 2014 66 58 804
Through glass... but you just have to love the little lad ! EXPLORED !

Ice & Sunset 3-1-15 The original photograph

03 Jan 2015 46 68 967
Today we saw the sun for the first time this year. It was just a peak ... at sunset . EXPLORED !

Sunset 18-1-15 ~~ The Glory ~~

18 Jan 2015 57 66 957
This is what it became EXPLORED !

Our 10th Wedding Anniversary is today 26-1-2015 .T…

26 Jan 2015 33 67 1035
“A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.” ~ Paul Sweeny From that day.... In Edinburgh , Scotland. The Ring is a gold Celtic Knot The Lace Garter I made from Lace saved from my Mum's workbox and Chinese silk and the pearls sewn on to enclose the Blue Ribbon for Luck The Flowers are yellow silk Roses and Cream Lilies and I made my Corsage and Jay's Buttonhole The Earrings are antique Victorian and are Garnet (for my red hair!) Topaz , as yellow is for Happiness and green Peridot , as green is my favourite colour The Choker Necklace is antique green glass beads "Lace" for the Poetography Group EXPLORED !

The second Yellow Crocus blooms !

29 Jan 2015 61 80 1078
Its unseasonably warm for January and these 'Snow Crocus" are early bloomers as it is. EXPLORED !

Sun & Moon

04 Feb 2015 46 50 960
“If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they’d immediately go out..” William Blake "Sunshine" for the Poetography Group Graphics mine own

One of my Yellow Birthday Roses

11 Feb 2015 62 76 1223
A dozen beautiful yellow roses from my husband. My favourites ... and with Snowdrops... my Heart flowers EXPLORED !

Year of The Sheep

08 Feb 2015 36 62 723
The Chinese New Year Starts Tonight . It is the Year of The Sheep/Goat I am a Wood Sheep/Goat. The New Year in 1955 began on Monday 24th January These graphics are all made with a digital kit I made from scratch. (If you want the kit its FREE and is the last Article I posted ) I did the..... Tiger in 2010 Rabbit in 2011 Dragon in 2012 Water Snake 2013 Horse in 2014 Sheep/Goat 2015 Next year is the Monkey ! EXPLORED !

Forthcoming Earth Picture Of The Day (EPOD) First…

01 Jan 2014 68 66 1026
I am over the Moon as I will be getting one of my photographs up on the EPOD (Earth Picture Of The Day) (APOD is Astronomy Picture Of The Day) EPOD comes from NASA. I submitted a pic 18 mths ago.. heard nothing.. then today I get a very red faced embarrassed letter from them apologising for not contacting me . I said no worries.. and asked were they going to use it ? He said they have a cloud pic lined up for 1st March.. but he could put it up on their Facebook page on 1st March. I sent back that I wasnt on faceless and wouldnt see it He asked if I had other photos !! I sent 2 sunsets... he loved one and asked for the details. I also said I had ice storms.. he said "Send me pics!!" I just have !! About 10 mins later he emailed again ... loved my description and My Sunset-Clouds one is going to be the Earth Picture Of The Day on 31st March We live on sandstone ridges and never see the true horizon but in mid Winter this is as close as it gets. This sunset on the first day of the New Year started as a soft gold and turned into a The Glory... a pink ladder of ever expanding beauty with the silhouetted "bones" of the Winter trees holding it in their arms . I am delighted !!!! I have had the APOD and the EPOD as links on my Desktop for 10 years. I visit for a photo fix and info fix daily. Here is the link to todays EPOD There is a new photo and wonderful information daily EXPLORED !

Flicka on his 9th Birthday 1st March 2015

01 Mar 2015 38 66 836
My Beloved Boy Flicka .... on his 9th Birthday today. He was abused and thrown away. We rescued each other nine years ago when he was about 16 weeks old . He still has his troubled days... but he would give his life for me.. and me for him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLICKA ! EXPLORED !

Sunset 19th February 2015

19 Feb 2015 44 60 810
Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever. Horace Mann Font : FoglihtenNo04 For the Poetography Group EXPLORED ! "Yesterday" for the Poetography group

Snowdrop with raindrops ~ My Beloved Snowdrops

10 Mar 2015 67 82 1140
Snowdrops have a very personal special meaning for me. I was an 8 mth babe.. and though healthy.. a month early and born at home... in the worst February winter London had known for many years. Snowdrops bloom through the ice.. and my Dad said I was a fighter.. and called me his Snowdrop. It stuck.... he always made sure I had Snowdrops on my birthday.. till he died. Jay (the American gent I married in January 2005) carried that on once he knew... even through some adversity. I have planted some here ... hard to get them in the USA.. but I went through Brecks.. and when we moved here to the house I call Snow's Light in June 2011 ... I ordered.. and planted them in that October.... often they dont flower the 1st year. BUT.. they are slowly increasing in the number of flowers each Spring now.. and I planted 60 more My house is called "Snow's Light" ... Snowdrops Lighthouse... I also collect Lighthouses and miss the sea desperately. Its a real physical pain... Although I have traveled all my life and lived abroad... now... at 60 I am feeling homesickness desperately. Maybe as we get older we finally need our roots. I always believed I would move to New Zealand..... but the Dream Catcher mistook an American gent for a New Zealander ! So.... Snowdrops are the flower of my heart... and it goes with the 2nd one.. Mistletoe... which is the Spirit and Heart of the Oak... and the final one of Yellow Roses.. the colour of Happiness Mother Earth protects us all.... there should be no divide of Faith... we all have an investment in the beauty there is Sail on Fair Winds and Calm seas... and Walk in Beauty ........ EXPLORED !

Sunset 15th March 2015 (The Ides of March) ~Walk…

15 Mar 2015 42 51 732
In beauty, may I walk. All day long, may I walk. Through the returning seasons, may I walk. Beautifully I will possess again. Beautifully birds… Beautifully joyful birds… On the trail marked with pollen, may I walk. With grasshoppers about my feet, may I walk. With dew about my feet, may I walk. With beauty before me, may I walk. With beauty behind me, may I walk. With beauty above me, may I walk. With beauty all around me, may I walk. In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk. In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk. It is finished in beauty. It is finished in beauty. - Excerpt from the Navajo Night Way Ceremony- Font: Fontasia "Beauty" for the Poetography Group EXPLORED !

Evening sunlight and Bradford Pear blossom and a F…

16 Mar 2015 52 60 808
The winds was gusting 15-20mph... it was a case of bracing and holding my breath and waiting.. and waiting...... The Spirits in this place appear sometimes ! EXPLORED !

Redbud with Honey Bee

29 Mar 2015 53 58 1009
Long ago Apollo called to Aristæus, youngest of the shepherds, Saying, "I will make you keeper of my bees." Golden were the hives, and golden was the honey; golden, too, the music, Where the honey-makers hummed among the trees. Henry Van Dyke in The White Bees For the Poetography Group (Font : Fletch Wide) It is SO good to see Bees this year. There were so few last year EXPLORED !

Henry's Elfin (Callophrys henrici ) A first for he…

31 Mar 2015 50 67 979
Wellllllllllllll ......... I had a lifetime first butterfly yesterday too !!! Got it double checked at Bugnet . Never seen one here.. and it was smack on the right food !! The Redbud ! Henry's Elfin .. Callophrys henrici I have never seen one here .. wasnt even looking on the right Kaufman pages to ID it ! Its not a spectacular looking one.. but LOVE that its a first after 4 years ! Also... its the first Butterfly of the season here to sit for photo ! There are Yellows coming through but at a distance and never still !

225 items in total