Albert as the ice started 5-12-13

Explored !

I did't know ... others Congratulated me !!!


It was something that happened to others... not me.... till now

I am over the Moon !

Thankyou all for your wonderful support and comments ... they mean more than you know.

Mr Meep Meep came back ! Road Runner !

03 Sep 2014 38 56 909
These birds are paranoid ! Every leaf rustle is a danger. !! EXPLORED !

Young Mr Bluebird Collage

07 Sep 2014 45 52 848
Taken through glass......This youngster is one of the family that survived the Copperhead snake invasion. The parent birds nested close by and raised their usual wonderful clutch that they bring to bathe in the birdbath every afternoon. EXPLORED !

Grasshoppers ! Privacy PLEASE !!!

08 Sep 2014 40 47 955
I couldnt resist... the expression on his face..... :)) EXPLORED !

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)(f)

14 Sep 2014 51 58 974
One lone female Monarch butterfly...The first going South this year 14-9-14 Two weeks earlier than the 20 who came last year. BUT there is alot less to feed on and maybe some more will come EXPLORED !

The second Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)(f)

20 Sep 2014 33 37 865
The second Monarch butterfly here going South this year 20-9-14 EXPLORED !

Autumn Equinox

28 Sep 2012 41 55 774
Traditionally the First Day of Autumn The last of a set of 4 celebrating the Solstices and the Equinoxes Graphics... mine own work EXPLORED !

Sunset through my Pines.....

26 Sep 2014 37 55 1081
....... and thankfully not fire ! It caught me out for a moment though... heart stopping ! EXPLORED !

Fiery Skipper & Carpenter Bee & Honey Bee on Buddl…

01 Oct 2014 31 49 1045
Photo taken in North Carolina at PeggyC's house where I am visiting from Oklahoma ! EXPLORED !

Mt Jefferson State Park- Blue Ridge Mts North Caro…

06 Oct 2014 43 69 814
A rare chance for a beautiful landscape for me EXPLORED !

Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)

12 Oct 2014 42 48 859
" This is Ground Control ... The Aliens have landed ................. !! " EXPLORED !

Zinnia with a Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae)

20 Oct 2014 45 50 902
This has been a rare sight this year of so few butterflies. Normally I see many Sulphur's... but this is only the second one of these beautiful Cloudless I have seen this year ! EXPLORED !

Autumn hued Grape vine leaves Pt 2 !

25 Oct 2014 38 64 988
This was the photo I MEANT to put up !! At our local vineyards and wineries the vines are just beginning to turn their Autumn colours. The grapes are in... the harvest was good... the taste of Summer is now soon to be in the bottle. EXPLORE !

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)(f) They are almost at t…

29 Oct 2014 59 72 901
Got a Monarch here today. Its one of those perfect days when nature is holding her breath before winter. It went down to 38F last night.. so it wont be long before the first frosts. Every time I think I have seen the last.. another comes ! Less and less to feed on now. This lady was on the remaining scruffy Zinnia's ! Temps at night are dropping now and it cant be long before the first frost here. Fly south Little One's ! Would have been nice with a prettier background but what the heck.. getting these just to SIT is a bonus ! EXPLORED !

November Honeysuckle that escaped the frost

03 Nov 2014 44 61 906
Two nights ago we had the killer frost... down to 27°F. Everything frost burned and done for.... except........... This is the very last of Summer. EXPLORED !

Her Autumn Dress 7-11-2014 This Beautiful Tree

07 Nov 2014 35 46 926
This is the 4th and last of the four seasonal photos of her This Cottonwood is around 80-100 years old and is huge ..... probably 90 -100 feet tall..... and is growing about 2 miles away and I love her. She has an amazingly charmed life because most trees in this State are ice damaged... and she is barely touched. I have wanted to take a "Four Seasons" of her.. This is her Autumn Dress. Her Winter one is in the photo Note (top Right) Her Spring one is in the photo Note (2nd down top Right) Her Summer one is in the photo Note (3rd down top Right) EXPLORED !

Remembrance 11-11-2014

10 Nov 2014 40 65 768
Doesnt matter which side they were on. Each was a Son or Daughter of a Mother & Father ************************************** They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. ( For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon ) (Originals of the 2 pictures before I worked on them were from Public Domain) EXPLORED .... Thankyou This year... I bought a Poppy from the Tower Of London installation "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red" This morning... 11-11-2014 ... the final Poppy of the 888,246 handmade Poppies was "planted"

Moonflower (Datura inoxia) ripe seed pod

10 Nov 2014 56 68 1700
In the setting Sun of a late Autumn afternoon EXPLORED !

The Turkey 'clean up crew'!

18 Nov 2014 50 68 787
The flock of wild Turkeys is about 30 strong. In the Spring they bring their chicks to feed as well. This day there was about 10-12 of them. Sadly we have too many gung ho hunters in these parts.. but NOT on my land ! EXPLORED !

225 items in total