Albert as the ice started 5-12-13

Explored !

I did't know ... others Congratulated me !!!


It was something that happened to others... not me.... till now

I am over the Moon !

Thankyou all for your wonderful support and comments ... they mean more than you know.

Frog on the bug screen Collage

07 May 2014 21 29 1195
Some fun Froggie pics ... he was hunting bugs drawn to the lit window. Top Left: Taken from inside the kitchen... he is on the outside of the bug screen (there are reflections in the glass...) Top Right: I went outside.. in the rain(we got a few drops) .... This silhouette made me laugh ! Bottom Left: The kitchen window is high (normal height INside !) I had the camera above my head ,arms outstretched! Bottom Right: Then he was off to find a bit of peace and bug hunt elsewhere ! EXPLORED !

Clematis 'Incence' with little Sweat Bee

07 May 2014 27 38 990
This little one was absolutely loaded with pollen ! EXPLORED !


12 May 2014 38 41 1010
We had a 5 minute rain shower... very precious ! EXPLORED !

My Little Eastern Phoebe's !

14 May 2014 19 28 649
Four little treasures ! I stood on a ladder to get this.. but wont be making a habit of doing that.. both for my health and safety..and their sanity !! EXPLORED !

The Eastern Phoebe 16-5-14

16 May 2014 22 38 608
Growing fast !! Another death defying ladder climb today !! LOL EXPLORED !

The Finale ! ~ The Eastern Phoebe's 18-5-14 ~ Toda…

18 May 2014 30 29 611
Well.... this will be the last "Group Photo". There are actually 4 (see NOTE).... you never can get the 4th in the photo..... least I can't whilst trying to stay on the ladder ! (See 2nd Note !) Just after I took this they flew off to the tree. They.....and their Mum have survived a Copperhead snake in the Bluebird box 4 feet away and the attentions on the ground of the neighbouring barn cats watching (that is still a possible threat) They were hatched and raised here.. there is always water and food and shelter. We have all done our bit. Now.. the big wide world awaits I hope they will shelter at the nest for a while at night still. EXPLORED !

Bordered Patch (Chlosyne lacinia)(f)

20 May 2014 24 34 762
Last year at the very end of October.. a Bordered Patch Butterfly laid her eggs on a couple of false Sunflowers . They hatched into a wonderful bunch of wriggling caterpillars.! She had left it very late and as much as I sheltered them.. they all finally disappeared. Today... the first butterfly to patiently allow me to take her photo (several times!) was ... Bordered Patch butterfly ! I know its not one of "my" hatchlings.. but it just made me smile... Full Circle. EXPLORED !

Fly nectating on the first false Sunflowers

23 May 2014 23 29 854
The Sunnies are starting to bloom !!! They are my butterfly and bug attractors ! AND one of the few plants that ignores drought ! EXPLORED !

Mr Toad

25 May 2014 34 34 1200
This fellow was waiting for me in the garage this morning. So... I scooped him up in a flowerpot and put him on the grass.... and he thanked me for that small kindness by letting me take some photos ! Several folk mentioned in their comments about Ratty and Mole and Badger... so I am going to put my comment in here My most precious thing is my Mum's 1913 "Wind In The Willow's " complete with the watercolour litho pictures. Its been read 1000 times.. and sits by my table here. EXPLORED !

Mr Toad Collage

25 May 2014 26 40 1097
This fellow was waiting for me in the garage this morning. So... I scooped him up in a flowerpot and put him on the grass.... and he thanked me for that small kindness by letting me take some photos ! Several folk mentioned in their comments about Ratty and Mole and Badger... so I am going to put my comment in here My most precious thing is my Mum's 1913 "Wind In The Willow's " complete with the watercolour litho pictures. Its been read a 1000 times.. and sits by my table here. EXPLORED !

First Orange Day Lily this year ~ One petal

27 May 2014 39 40 958
After a rare shower of rain.... EXPLORED !

First Orange Day Lily this year

27 May 2014 24 24 799
After a rare shower of rain.... EXPLORED !

Eastern Tailed Blue (Everes comyntas)

29 May 2014 25 36 782
These were tiny and in "clouds" of 6 or more. They were feeding on grass flowers mostly.. this one just sat still long enough on a dying Begonia leaf ! EXPLORED !

Lucas on his 7th Birthday 1st June 2014

01 Jun 2014 37 37 734
He will never pose.. and rarely looks at the camera. He is my beautiful gentle boy.. and not of this planet ! He was found by me and Flicka dumped in a park on a 100F+ day in July and was about 7 weeks old... so.. this is the day I gave him as his Birthday EXPLORED !

Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)

03 Jun 2014 36 46 836
First one of the year !. Perched on a stray daisy type flower and she wouldnt feed while the fly was on it ! EXPLORED !

Yellow Cactus flower with Leaf Foot nymphs

09 Jun 2014 33 41 777
These little horrors "farm" the Cacti and suck the life out of them to almost... but not quite... death. They leave enough for it to grow the next year ! EXPLORED !

The Moonflower Frog

15 Jun 2014 28 27 1055
This beautiful Boy lives in the very narrow bed where the Moonflowers and Morning Glory's grow. Like all the frogs and toads here he takes on a perfect colouration for his little part of the world . As the Lantana frog had Lantana leaf patterns on his back..... the Moonflower Frog has the sand and red earth of where he lives. EXPLORED !

Pip got an injury in the Winter it seems to have h…

17 Jun 2014 28 26 749
Pip is last years baby (Possibly Albert's younger by a year brother.... or even possibly his son) Last year's kit anyway. (This years are out and about in numbers !) In the Winter I noticed he had this injury to his face... I thought he might die.. it was quite severe. But.. slowly he healed.. maybe because he had a plentiful food supply and shelter here and the cold Winter kept infection at bay. Now.. he is bright and bushy tailed and a healthy Boy. EXPLORED !

225 items in total