Water End

Images posted to IG

Having got fed-up with Instagram's rubbish search feature making it impossible to check if one has posted an image or not without scrolling through the whole feed, I've decided I'll create an album of images that have been uploaded there too. It will take a while...

Carol's gate

23 Mar 2018 3 1 408
The gate in the snow at Alba Iulia, Romania. Pentax K-3, FA31 Ltd, Silver Efex Pro.

After the rain.

31 Mar 2018 53
Trafalgar Square Image taken with my phone and uploaded to Instagram.

April 02: bench

02 Apr 2018 2 1 178
A moss-covered stone bench in our local wood. Processed in Silver Efex Pro. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7.

Tree reflections

02 Apr 2018 2 1 295
Seen at Lamer Park, Hertfordshire and processed in Silver Efex Pro 2. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax "K" 28mm f/3.5 lens.

Victorian postbox

05 Apr 2018 48
St Paul's Walden, Hertfordshire. Phone image uploaded to Instagram.

April 06: Ayot Church

06 Apr 2018 1 1 412
This is one of the pavilions which lie to the north and south of the Grecian-style church at Ayot St Lawrence. The church was built with the main door facing east so that it could be seen from Ayot House which is in the background of this photo. Sir Lionel Lyde had this church built and the medieval church decommissioned, thus creating both an artistic ruin and a classical building in the grounds of his home. The pavilions are the tombs of Lionel and his wife. In his will he stated that "what the church united in life, let it keep separate in death". Taken for my "Single in April" challenge with a Pentax K-3 and a SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7 lens.

April 06: plum blossom

06 Apr 2018 297
An alternative image for April 6th processed in Color Efex Pro 4. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7 lens.

April 07: doubles

07 Apr 2018 1 203
It must be spring! All but three ewes have lambed. These two were amongst the early ones. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7.

trip hazard

07 Apr 2018 185
The Queen of Lamer Park.

April 07: tree

07 Apr 2018 1 342
I didn't choose this image for my "Single in..." challenge photo of the day as it didn't fit the theme of "duplicates", but I like it anyway. Processed in Silver Efex Pro 2.

April 03: urban decay

03 Apr 2018 2 1 434
Seen in Nottingham. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7, processed in Silver Efex Pro 2.

April 16: Stairway to... conservation

16 Apr 2015 3 1 762
The stairs of the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax 30mm f/2.8 lens.


11 Apr 2018 64
Just watching the world go by out of the train window. I was around about Durham at the time on my way to Edinburgh. Phone image posted to Instagram.

Long stairs

13 Apr 2018 84
Edniburgh. Phone image posted to Instagram.

April 13 urn in the fog

13 Apr 2018 1 329
Seen in Calton Hill Cemetery, Edinburgh. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7.

Calton Hill "pinhole"

13 Apr 2018 1 263
Faux-pinhole image of the monuments in the Calton Hill New Cemetery in the fog.

Calton Hill

14 Apr 2018 3 1 200
Monument to Dugald Stewart on Calton Hill, Edinburgh. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-F 50mm f/1.7 lens.

The old drive, Lamer Park, Herts

16 Mar 2013 10 4 959
Minolta 7000, AF35-105 lens, Kodak 400 film, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom 1.4.

1205 items in total