#7 Maan en Venus boven Heidelberg


Folder: Astronomy

M42, Orion nebula (view on black)

25 Feb 2016 13 11 456
50 exposures 10 sec each, telescope prime focus f=750 mm, ISO 800 Final(?) processing in photoshop

Moon meets Jupiter (view on black)

23 Feb 2016 6 2 280
23-02-2016 23:00

Close encounter (view on black)

23 Feb 2016 16 11 242
Combination of a long (1/8 sec) and a short (1/500 sec) exposure. The area around Jupiter I "brightened up" a bit to show Jupiter's moons (the 4 major moons are all visible)

M45 The Plejades (view on black)

19 Feb 2016 8 3 214
80 exposures combined. Used telescope to track the movement of the stars A positive and a negative print to show why I sometimes prefer the negative one. It shows the faint features better (but also the disturbing light of the moon on the left)

' t Klooster in Ter Apel

16 Feb 2016 13 10 395
Startrails: 90 exposures 10 seconds each, f=10 mm, f/8, ISO 1600. For the building I used 1 exposure of 4 second, f=10 mm, f/10, ISO 1600


15 Feb 2016 19 9 336
mit nur ein 200 mm Tele 75 Einzelaufnahmen

Orion (negative)

12 Feb 2016 3 9 231
90 exposures, 30 sec each

Dataprocessing (view on black)

12 Feb 2016 9 5 223
Left: combination of 90 exposures (30 sec each), you see the earth moving! Middle: Used a gaussian filter to blur the stars and get a "background" . This shows the light pollution. Right: Subtracting the background from the original

Greenbank, 300 ft Radiotelescope

30 Jan 2016 8 4 227
1982 slide. This telescope collapsed during an observing run in 1988. public.nrao.edu/telescopes/historic/300-foot-telescope

Starry night in Emsland (view on black)

Viewing south (view on black)

28 Jan 2016 11 9 236
Orion, Taurus, Gemini, Canis Major and Canis Minor

Comet Catalina

18 Jan 2016 7 3 214
Combined 16 exposures centered on the comet. This gives the artifacts around the brighter stars. Shown as a negative in order to show the faint coma around the core of the comet

Finally: comet Catalina

17 Jan 2016 5 3 219
First oppertunity for me to get a picture of the comet Catalina. The marked stars are part of Ursa Major, the tail stars,. So easy to find

Nur für Gudrun

16 Dec 2015 4 11 244
The original: www.ipernity.com/doc/523247/40591928

A very tiny Moon

Unerwartete Himmelskarte

04 Dec 2015 13 13 430
Wo befindet sich diese Karte? Also, im Alsterhaus in Hamburg


13 Nov 2015 10 5 208
Note the movement of the planet Uranus compared to the neighbouring stars

Details an der Apotheke

782 items in total