Rosetta Nebula and NGC 2244 (view on black)

Galactic nebulae

Folder: Astronomy

10 Jan 2024

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68 visits

Orion and Ghost nebulae

Canon 700D attached to f=360 mm refractor. ISO 3200, T=300x10 sec.

10 Jan 2024

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50 visits

Flame nebulae

Another nebulae in the constellation Orion. The bright, overexposed, star is the most eastern star in the belt of Orion. Canon 700D attached to Techsky refractor (f=360 mm), ISO 3200, T=50x10 sec

08 Jan 2024

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61 visits

The Plejades

Jimmy Page is 80: Endlich mal wieder ein klarer Himmel. Canon 700D attached to telescope (f=360 mm) ISO 3200 T=50x10 sec.

07 Sep 2023

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75 visits

M 8 Lagunennebel

Im Algemeinen ein schlechtes Jahr für Astrobilder oben f=85 mm unten f=360 mm, cropped

07 Sep 2023

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78 visits

M 8, open starcluster and nebulae

As far south as I can get. Canon 700D attached to Techsky refractor f=360 mm. f/6, T=50x 10sec, ISO 3200

03 Aug 2022

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73 visits

M 8, M 20 and M 21

Canon 700D, f=85 mm f/2.0, T= 20 x 10 sec ISO 1600 The PiP shows a single exposure, total field (10 x 15 degrees). The field is close to the horizon and needs a lot of dataprocessing to get the endresult as shown in the main picture

02 Aug 2022

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71 visits

M 16, the Eagle Nebula

Canon 700D und Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=120 x30 sec, ISO 3200

20 Jul 2022

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118 visits

M 17, Omega Nebel

Bis jetzt mein bestes Bild dieser Nebel, Dieser Nebel in der Milchstrasse ist in Nord und Mittel Europa nur in Juli und August relativ gut sichtbar Canon 700D und Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=40 x30 sec, ISO 3200

20 Jul 2022

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90 visits

M 17 and M 18

Canon 700D in prime focus of a Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=40 x30 sec, ISO 3200. I bought this refractor to replace a damaged and "repaired but not for astronomical pictures" Tamron 70-200 mm, f/2,8 lens. The image quality of astronomical pictures of this refractor is much better than the Tamron one (even before it got damaged) and it costs much less. However it has only f/6, so it needs longer exposuretimes.
20 items in total