Keith Burton's photos

Gatekeeper Butterfly on Ragwort

25 Jul 2023 25 24 98
Sometimes also called a Hedge Brown. This one is a male and the one in the PiP is a female. Taken during a visit to Devon last month,.

Budleigh Salterton Beach (+PiPs)

27 Jul 2023 25 29 91
The River Otter Estuary and Otter Point in the distance. Probably best viewed large. Two more views captured on the beach in the PiPs. Thanks for looking.


04 Aug 2023 26 34 136
Taken from the beach at Worthing, West Sussex last Friday.


29 Jul 2023 32 36 143
The pebbles are from Budleigh Salterton beach in Devon. Photographed indoors in natural light using some white card as a background. Thank you to everyone who has visited my photo-stream over the past few weeks, especially if you have left a comment and/or a yellow star! Always appreciated and makes sharing worthwhile.

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria) (+PiP)

03 Aug 2023 24 30 95
Adults of the Hornet Mimic Hoverfly can reach 2 cm in length, and it is the largest hoverfly species in the UK. The Hoverfly mimics the Hornet both in size and in appearance, and even makes a similar buzzing noise while flying, but it is absolutely harmless to humans. Taken in my garden yesterday on one of my Buddleia bushes. Both images are cropped as I was using my 40-150mm zoom lens, so I wouldn't frighten it off.

Fence Post Detail

01 Aug 2023 22 30 95
Takenn in the grounds of Portchester Castle, Hampshire.

Nigella Seed Heads

29 Jul 2023 25 36 119
Taken indoors in natural light. I used a sheet of brown card as a background and added a texture and vignette in processing. I'm not overly happy with the reflections on the bottle, but I don't think they detract from the photo too much. Probably best viewed large..........

River Otter Tidal Estuary

27 Jul 2023 21 35 97
Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Taken last week in between rain showers. Best viewed large if you have time.

The View out to Sea

27 Jul 2023 19 33 109
From the beach at Budleigh Salterton, in Devon. Please view large on black........thanks for looking and have a lovely week!

Sycamore Seeds

29 Jul 2023 29 34 121
From the Sycamore tree in my back garden. Please try viewing large if you have time. Thank you. Photographed indoors in natural light from the window. A piece of white card used as a background and a texture added during processing.

Asphodeline lutea

17 May 2023 23 31 106
Commonly called King's Spear. Taken in one of the public gardens in Southsea, Hampshire. I took a day off from commenting yesterday after a long, tiring drive home from Devon in horrendous traffic. I'll try and catch up with everyone in due course. I wish you all a super weekend.

Wild Carrot

01 Jul 2023 26 34 120
Taken in the gardens at Hinton Ampner House. A National Trust property near Winchester in Hampshire.

Bath Time (+PiPs)

20 Jun 2023 24 31 127
A gull enjoys a bath in a puddle. Taken in between heavy rain showers on Hayling Island, Hampshire. Please check out the PiPs for another couple of gull photos (plus a crow and a banana skin)!

Large White butterfly on Verbena flower.

01 Jul 2023 27 40 131
Taken in my garden. Please view large if you have the time.

Pollen Hunting

01 Jul 2023 28 38 122
Bees onn Sea Holly......................big and small :-) Best viewed large, I think,

Bee on Coreopsis Flower

17 Jul 2023 22 22 127
Taken in my garden I'm off today today for a short break in Exmouth, Devon. We're house-sitting for my daughter while she takes our grandchildren to Snowdonia. I may continue posting and commenting, but it will depend on what we're doing. Enjoy the week folks!

Wise Words

19 Jul 2023 22 41 139
A colourful piece of street art spotted in Southsea, from a local artist who goes by the name of Fark. Some more wise words from Fark in the PiP.

Globe Thistle

01 Jul 2023 27 38 110
Taken in the gardens at Hinton Ampner House, a National Trust property Near Winchester, Hampshire. Is it just me or does staring at this make anyone else's eyes go funny? Try viewing large :-)

7206 photos in total