Groyne.....Long Exposure

Landscape,Seascape, General Scenery

Rock formations at Hartland Quay

"Take me to your leader!"

14 Aug 2011 1 4 157
Sheaves of hay stacked the old-fashioned way...............looking like an invading alien army :)

Storm clouds at Hartland Point

12 Aug 2011 106
Taken from near the lighthouse..............I assume the "mushroom" is some sort of radar installation.

Hartland Point Lighthouse

12 Aug 2011 179
Unfortunately there is no public access to the lighthouse, so we had to content ourselves with this view!

Rock formations at Hartland Quay

12 Aug 2011 152
Didn't have to do a great deal to convert this to black and white..........this is pretty much how it looked in the awful weather!

Hartland Peninsula looking towards Lundy Island

13 Aug 2011 170
This was pretty typical of the weather that dogged us for most of the weekend - except that this was taken during one of the short periods that it wasn't raining!! If you look very carefully on the horizon just to the right of Lundy Island you can see someone standing on top of the rocks..................

Lundy Island from Hartland Point

12 Aug 2011 135
I liked the light over the island in this one.

Getting the shot...........overlooking the sea and…

13 Aug 2011 164
Most definitely not something I could do...............I'm not good with heights, no matter how good the shot!


19 Jun 2011 156
The last one from West Wittering...............I'm getting bored with them, so I expect you are too! The processing won't be to everyone's taste - but I like it. Looks better on black, so press L


19 Jun 2011 132
Just revisiting some of the shots I took on a visit to West Wittering a few weeks ago.

Cloudy blue skies over the sand dunes

19 Jun 2011 138
Just revisiting some of the shots I took on a visit to West Wittering a few weeks ago.

Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Arundel, West Sussex

The Royal Oak and the Old Mill, Langstone Harbour.

01 Jul 2011 118
Yet another view of one of my favourite places for a stroll on a sunny afternoon............

Holy Trinity, Bosham, West Sussex.

West Wittering.........into the distance!

19 Jun 2011 1 138
The last one from West Wittering for a while..........

West Wittering - beach huts and groyne

West Wittering

West Wittering - Getting the shot!

1063 items in total