Groyne.....Long Exposure

Landscape,Seascape, General Scenery


The Hide

Spinnaker Tower - colour version

21 Jul 2010 143
I'd forgotten I'd taken this one................

Spinnaker Tower - Sepia toned version

Receding mist near Corfe Castle

22 Mar 2011 141
Shortly after full sunrise when the sun began to burn off the mist! Not sure if this one works or not?

Memories of Scotland - Jan 2010: Dying rays of the…

24 Jan 2009 89
In a self-indulgent mood tonight - just browsing through some of my unprocessed shots from when I visited NW Scotland last year with some like-minded mates, so thought I'd process and post them! We had a brilliant trip.

Memories of Scotland - Jan 2010: Mountain in the m…

24 Jan 2009 1 135
In a self-indulgent mood tonight - just browsing through some of my unprocessed shots from when I visited NW Scotland last year with some like-minded mates, so thought I'd process and post them! We had a brilliant trip.

Memories of Scotland - Jan 2010: Distant snowy pea…

22 Jan 2009 3 100
In a self-indulgent mood tonight - just browsing through some of my unprocessed shots from when I visited NW Scotland last year with some like-minded mates, so thought I'd process and post them! We had a brilliant trip.

Silhouette on blue

Leigh Park Gardens

28 Jan 2011 1 321
Taken a few weeks ago on one of the rare sunny days we had last month!

Langstone Harbour Panorama

24 Dec 2010 129
The Royal Oak and The Old Mill taken on Christmas Eve...............lovely and sunny but bitterly cold!

Exmouth.......sailing boat

Exmouth..........sailing boat & wreck

Into the blue

15 Nov 2010 113
Climping Beach

Fawley Oil Refinery

28 Sep 2010 1 153
With light trail from passing boat.

Fawley Oil Refinery

Zorro calls in on Dryad Lake

19 Jul 2010 2 98
Thanks to Alby for spotting this one!

A view through the gate

26 May 2010 141
Couldn't get on to this jetty near The Hardway, Gosport. It was gated and securely locked..........probably because it was rotting away!! I took this through the gap in the gate.

1063 items in total