Groyne.....Long Exposure

Landscape,Seascape, General Scenery

Flooded fields in winter light - 4

20 Jan 2014 3 6 396
Taken at Arundel. I thought this one looked pretty cool in black and white. Best view large, on know you want to :)

Flooded fields in winter light - 2 (Black and Whi…

20 Jan 2014 11 7 401
It was suggested that I try a B & W version of this, yer tiz!

Swanbourne Lake, Arundel

20 Jan 2014 10 8 445
Taken on a really damp, cold and misty morning.......when the sun was beginning to burn off the mist. I wasn't sure about this one at first and I wasn't going to post it, but it's growing on me. I think it's very atmospheric. Please view large, on black..........

The Quiraing - Isle of Skye

25 Feb 2014 4 5 445
The Quiraing is a landslip on the eastern face of Meall na Suiramach, the northernmost summit of the Trotternish Ridge on the Isle of Skye. The whole of the Trotternish Ridge escarpment was formed by a great series of landslips; the Quiraing is the only part of the slip still moving, the road at its base near Flodigarry requires repairs each year.(Wikipedia). Featuring Dave Kiddle (in a very fetching yellow jacket)!

Fairy Pools - Isle of Skye

24 Feb 2014 4 6 429
These are a series of waterfalls and pools, well off the beaten track (wellies essential), with a backdrop of the majestic Black Cuillins mountains. On the day we visited it was cold and windy, but dry most of the time, and very cloudy and overcast

Rainbow over The Quiraing - Isle of Skye

25 Feb 2014 6 9 373
The Quiraing is a landslip on the eastern face of Meall na Suiramach, the northernmost summit of the Trotternish Ridge on the Isle of Skye.

View from Elgol - Isle of Skye

24 Feb 2014 5 7 292
Looking towards the Cuillins.

Fairy Pools - Isle of Skye

24 Feb 2014 6 8 458
These are a series of waterfalls and pools, well off the beaten track (wellies essential), with a backdrop of the majestic Black Cuillins mountains.

Lone Tree

27 Feb 2014 15 6 684
Taken at Tomdoun, overlooking Loch Garry.

Reed beds and mountains

24 Feb 2014 3 2 367
Taken on the Isle of Skye.

Talisker Bay - Isle of Skye

28 Feb 2014 7 2 413
With rain approaching. This was our wettest day! At the bay the wind was horrendous - I actually got blown off my feet! The rain was horizontal and it stung our faces! Nevertheless we stayed and took some photos between the bouts of rain before walking back to the car to dry out.

Old Sligachan Bridge, Isle of Skye

28 Feb 2014 16 6 406
Taken from the Road Bridge, with the Cuillins in the background.

The Quirang

25 Feb 2014 5 2 277
Another one from the Isle of Skye

View over Loch Garry

27 Feb 2014 4 6 314
Taken from the viewpoint next to the main road overlooking the Loch.

Castle Moil, Kyleakin, Isle of Skye

27 Feb 2014 17 8 515
Pretty much a grab-shot, taken just as it started to rain. We saw this beautiful bright sunlight and stopped on the jetty in Kyleakin Harbour.

Sligachan - Isle of Skye

28 Feb 2014 8 4 421
Taken near the Sligachan Bridge in rapidly changing and dramatic weather conditions.

Rainbow - Rannoch Moor

22 Feb 2014 2 4 306
One of the advantages of the wet weather.

Eilean Donan Castle

27 Feb 2014 7 10 375
Another perspective on this photogenic castle. Looks much better on black!

1058 items in total