acer leaves in autumn

nature's paintings

(arranged for viewing in lines of three)

firework tree

leaves on a pavement

leaves turn to gold...

23 Oct 2011 33
Magdalen College, Oxford

rosehips by the water

25 Oct 2020 2 98
River Thames at Oxford

riverside hips

25 Oct 2015 1 166
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

late Michaelmas

25 Oct 2020 1 86
Thames riverside at Oxford

riverside reflections in the fall

riverside gold

25 Oct 2015 1 184
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

sycamore yellow

25 Oct 2015 1 215
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

yellow-green sycamore

25 Oct 2015 1 134
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

bramble and rosehips

25 Oct 2015 1 128
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

autumn riverside

29 Oct 2012 2 246
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

fading hawthorn

25 Oct 2015 1 142
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

wild autumn rose

shades of autumn hawthorn

October morning moon

riverside fungus

27 Oct 2013 1 3 306
please add tag if you know the name

autumn green ash

25 Oct 2015 119
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

172 items in total