acer leaves in autumn

nature's paintings

(arranged for viewing in lines of three)

misty dawn on the river

09 Sep 2006 1 4 481
Port Meadow, Oxford

Michaelmas daisies

daisies by a blue lake

11 Sep 2011 1 32
Worcester College, Oxford
13 Sep 2015 117
Is this a type of hydrangea?

haws in the hedgerow

hedgerow cranesbill

buddleia in a dappled sunset

pink clouds at sunset

17 Aug 2011 3 267
altocumulus (I think)

buddleia at sunset

trees in Budshead Wood

13 Oct 2005 6 240
Ernesettle, Devon

early morning rosehips

sunlight on a pink flower

"a bird should not try to surpass itself and fly i…

16 Oct 2011 191
words from the I Ching

one, two, three gulls

16 Oct 2011 2 115
all a very long way from the sea

lone runner in the dawn

16 Oct 2011 1 3 213
Port Meadow,Oxford

path through the trees

17 Oct 2010 3 95
Harcourt Arboretum, Oxfordshire

Acer japonicum Vitifolium

17 Oct 2010 1 89
Harcourt Arboretum, Oxfordshire

acer leaves in autumn

17 Oct 2010 8 75
Harcourt Arboretum, Oxfordshire

172 items in total