acer leaves in autumn

nature's paintings

(arranged for viewing in lines of three)

yellow blossom in the snow

21 Jan 2013 1 4 66
Oxford Botanic Gardens

trees in the snow

08 Feb 2007 4 286
The Broad Walk, Christ Church Meadow

snowy landscape

08 Feb 2007 1 256
Binsey, Oxfordshire

the edge of the dawn

15 Jan 2012 1 1 213
River Thames at Port Meadow

willows in the flood

31 Jan 2013 1 193
this row of willows originated from a farmer's fence that started growing!

waves on Chesil Beach

17 Apr 2012 2 124
Abbotsbury, Dorset

blackthorn blossom

magnolia pink

06 Apr 2014 9 238
University Church, Oxford

wild cherry blossom

sycamore catkins

April snow

06 Apr 2008 1 2 279
Port Meadow, Oxford

April cherry blossom

April berries

12 Apr 2007 2 172
what are these?

pollard in a blue sky

orange spring leaves in a blue sky

lilac in spring

20 Apr 2012 98
Abbotsbury, Dorset

apple blossom time

172 items in total