imagesfrugales' photos


12 Jun 2015 8 5 563
Pinhole converted Polaroid Colorpack II with expired Fuji FP-100c.

Diana+ Dreamer

24 May 2015 5 4 570
I found a mint Diana+ on a fleamarket for the price and the weight of a bratwurst. First light on my last roll of Efke R25, EI 50, semi-stand developed in Parodinal 1:50, 25 minutes. Left picture taken with the lens and right picture with lens removed and the built-in pinhole.


08 May 2015 3 318
Minolta Dynax5 with Sigma zoom, Ektar 100, scanned neg.

WPPD 2015

02 May 2015 5 7 476
World Pinhole Photography Day 2015, 04/26 Converted Dacora Digna 6x6, removed tubus, f = 42 mm. Self stitched raw hole. Cardbord shutter and mount. Efke 25 in Parodinal. Scanned as color film, hence the toning. Tropical greenhouse in our botanical garden.

beauty or beast?

30 Apr 2015 4 1 287
We had an oldtimer mountain rallye and my aps-c dslr war equipped with the nice 1.7/50 Minolta AF-Rokkor from 1985. It's such a fun to catch details and fade out distracting surroundings. Here's one of the lovely underdogs.


26 Apr 2015 4 1 368
6 x 6 Pinhole camera, converted Dacora Digna. The camera had an aweful lens, so it was slaughtered. Removed tubus, 1 hour tinkering with cardboard, alu foil, glue and black paint. Coast: next to nothing. f 42 mm, f/180

WPPD 2015

27 Apr 2015 5 1 607
World Pinhole Photography Day 2015, 04/26 Converted Dacora Digna 6x6, removed tubus, f = 42 mm. Self stitched raw hole. Cardbord shutter and mount. Efke 25 in Parodinal. Scanned as color film, hence the toning. Tropical greenhouse in our botanical garden.

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