imagesfrugales' photos

Bahnstadt Heidelberg

27 Jul 2016 2 3 524
Will be the worldwide biggest passive house estate. A new quarter in Heidelberg built on an abandoned railway ground beneath the main station. There will live about 8000 people when everything is done. Taken with Pentacon Six, 80 mm Biometar and handheld wide-angle device. Unknown very old 120 format film "Panfilm", maybe from the 60s(?), developed in Rodinal + Vit-C. Colors are random artefacts from the scanning and editing process.


22 Jul 2016 5 5 653
Heres one of the rare occasions, when you push the button and you know it will be fine and you pray that nothing will go wrong with the processing: drilled-up aperture (f/4?) on disposable cam, reloaded with long expired (20 years?) noname ISO 200 film, homedeveloped in homebrewed C-41 at room temperature.

rural idyll

17 Jul 2016 6 8 649
Diana F+, 38 mm lens, Ektar100


04 Jul 2016 8 8 506
APX 100 new, EI 100, Caffenol-C-M (rs) 7 minutes 23 °C Minolta Rokkor 2.8/28 on X-500


04 Jul 2016 3 3 371
APX 100 new, EI 100, Caffenol-C-M (rs) 7 minutes 23 °C Minolta Rokkor 1.4/58 on X-500

EPT 160

16 Jun 2016 3 3 309
expired Kodak Ektachrome Professional Tungsten 160

EPT 160

06 Jul 2016 243
expired Kodak Ektachrome Professional Tungsten 160

sports for all

sports for all

the painted mask

07 May 2016 3 1 253
At the Hanami convention 2016. Thanks to all participants, it was a great experiance.

Daddys Lil Monster

07 May 2016 2 237
At the Hanami convention 2016. Thanks to all participants, it was a great experiance.


07 May 2016 2 1 245
At the Hanami convention 2016. Thanks to all participants, it was a great experiance.


07 May 2016 2 226
At the Hanami convention 2016. Thanks to all participants, it was a great experiance.

cable plant

10 Apr 2016 3 3 362
Olympus XA, Polypan F, Emofin (almost dead). Duotone by Sir Gimp.

power plant

10 Apr 2016 6 3 357
A beast we need. Will it kill us? Olympus XA, Polypan F, Emofin (almost dead).


29 Mar 2016 4 3 363
Greenhouse botanical garden, tropical rainforest. Konica A4 p+s set to "macro" (35 cm - ?), expired Fuji Xtra 400, homebrewed and -developed C-41

Himbachel viaduct

17 Mar 2016 5 2 597
Here's the Himbachel viaduct of the single track Odenwald Railway, built in 1880/81, 250 m long and up to 43 m high. Today diesel-powered trains are used for the regular route service. Trains are running hourly at daytime. Again a cheap fixfocus plastic cam was used on Kodak VR400 film.


16 Mar 2016 5 2 534
is a village at the Odenwald Railway which crosses the Oldenwald region from Eberbach to Darmstadt, or vice versa ;) The single track line was built from the late 1860s to early 1880s and has some tunnels and 3 viaducts (1 will be shown later). Simple cheap silver colored plastic 35 mm camera with a single element fixfocus lens and curved film plane like a billion others, but with an Olympus-mju-style "clam shell" design, haha, Very conveniant, no settings at all and of course no batteries. Life can be so easy, sometimes.... Long expired original Agfa Leverkusen Vista 400 developed in homebrewed C-41, 17 minutes at 22 °C room temperature with agitation about every 15 seconds.

100 items in total

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