imagesfrugales' photos

stairway to heaven

13 Sep 2015 3 9 556
The 3rd Konica Big Mini 35 mm camera died in my hands because of a broken cable of the rear panel. This is from the very last roll. RIP my ungreateful concubines. Kodak gold 200 film developed in homebrewed C-41 developer, 16 minutes at 23 °C roomtemp. I would say, developing color film is easier than b/w.


31 Aug 2015 5 7 663
Nagele is a charming young singer/songwriter. Taken with a homemade meniscus lens on Ektar 100 35 mm film, home developed. No image manipulation, authentically scanned from the original neg.

Saturday is mart day

09 Aug 2015 3 1 400
Cheap drugstore film (one of the very last) developed at about 20 °C in homebrewed C-41 developer.

red light district

07 Aug 2015 6 6 656
Both images were intended, but the partial double exposure was incidental. Cheap drugstore film (Paradiesfilm), one of the last rolls ever :( homedeveloped in homemade Dignans C-41 2-bath developer, modified by Henrique the Chronocrator, see here: discussion about diy c-41:

Albersbach Odenwald

03 Aug 2015 4 1 605
Olympus 35 RD, Maco Eagle AQS film, IR 720 filter, Parodinal dev

Albersbach Odenwald

03 Aug 2015 12 8 939
Olympus 35 RD, Maco Eagle AQS film, IR 720 filter, Parodinal dev

jumping forbidden

22 Mar 2013 6 1 374
"jumping off the edge of the pool is forbidden". Former art nouveaux indoor swimming pool. Now there are shops, restaurants etc.


18 Jul 2015 8 4 436
Certophot 6.5x9 from 1931, 4.5/12cm Tessar, Rada 120 film cassette, Agfaortho 25, Beutler developer. Shot wide open. First light for me. Camera:


17 Jul 2015 5 468
Certophot 6.5x9 from 1931, 4.5/12cm Tessar, Rada 120 film cassette. Picture taken with this camera:

river Neckar pinstahole

05 Jul 2015 5 6 677
Rescued instant neg from FP-100c, exposed in a pinholed Polaroid Colorpack. Here is the paper print:

Ironworks Völklingen

28 Jun 2015 3 2 414
converted Dacora pinhole camera 6x6, Kodak Ektar 100

Ironworks Völklingen

28 Jun 2015 2 371
Diana+, Kodak Ektar 100

Ironworks Völklingen

28 Jun 2015 1 366
Diana+, Kodak Ektar 100

hope of deliverance

28 Jun 2015 2 3 551
Diana+, Kodak Ektar 100 Ironworks Völklingen

no more freedom of panorama?

26 Jun 2015 2 324
Philharmonie Hamburg. The used picture is free of copyright today.

behind the door

21 Jun 2015 5 2 504
This image is protected by copyright, no use without written permission. Taken with Mona the homemade meniscus lens at a Minolta X-300 on Kodak Ektar 100.

What - is behind - that door?

19 Jun 2015 16 7 658
Shot with Mona the homemade meniscus lens attached to a Minolta X-300 on Kodak Ektar 100.

ironworks Völklingen

17 Jun 2015 10 5 707
The first industrial monument which became a Unesco world culture heritage. Diana+, HP5+, Parodinal 1:100, 60 minutes.

100 items in total

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