Sony Alpha A230

Sony Alpha a230 DSLR

I bought this Sony DSLR to replace the Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D DSLR that I wore out. It had pretty much the same features, so it seemed like a perfect replacement.

Sautéing Shrimp

31 Jul 2014 1 289
Just going through some of my old pictures and I find that there sure are a lot of food pictures. Man, is this making me hungry! This was some garlic shrimp I made on September 19th, 2012.

Garlic Shrimp

31 Jul 2014 1 259
Here's the garlic shrimp after it was cooked and ready to eat. As I remember, it turned out good.


31 Jul 2014 2 1 292
Taken along the country roads around my hometown of Norris City, Illinois on October 14th, 2012.

Gingerbread Men

31 Jul 2014 2 324
Some gingerbread cookies I made back on October 22nd, 2012.

Chevrolet Pickup

03 Aug 2014 2 1 250
I saw this immaculate Chevy Pickup at another one of the cars shows sponsored by the Wayne County Misfits. This one was held on September 15th, 2007.

Pretzel Pub Chicken Sandwich

18 Aug 2014 277
Sold at Wendy's for a limited time in 2013.

Meat And Potatoes

18 Aug 2014 202
Doesn't this steak just make you hungry?

Free As A Bird

19 Aug 2014 1 1 250
There's probably nothing like being able to fly around in the sky and going wherever you'd like.

Longwing Butterfly

18 Aug 2014 1 2 261
I saw this butterfly over at a butterfly house in St. Louis, Missouri, so I'm not sure what kind it is. I'm pretty sure it's a Longwing butterfly and is probably from the tropics. I did a little research and think it's a Sapho Longwing butterfly. (99% sure, that is.) If anybody can confirm this for me, I would appreciate it.

Longwing Butterfly

20 Aug 2014 2 3 229
I saw this butterfly over at a butterfly house in St. Louis, Missouri, so I'm not sure what kind it is. I'm pretty sure it's a Longwing butterfly and is probably from the tropics. I'm not certain of the identification, but it does resemble a Postman Longwing, after looking at some images.

Doris Longwing Butterfly

18 Aug 2014 3 1 258
I saw this butterfly over at a butterfly house in St. Louis, Missouri, and I'm pretty sure it's a Doris Longwing. Apparently, it is primarily found from the Amazon River up to Central America.

Great Spangled Fritillary

18 Aug 2014 3 1 230
These Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies are big and beautiful. And on the outside of their wings, they have silver markings. I think that's amazing!


19 Aug 2014 1 265
For some reason, now I'm thinking about Vlassic pickles.

Barn At Sunset

20 Aug 2014 2 2 212
An old barn near my hometown. Photographed on March 18th, 2013.

1969 Saab 95 Wagon

21 Aug 2014 4 6 289
I'm not sure what make or model this little station wagon is, but it certainly wasn't made in America. Anybody recognize it?

Blood Red And Goin' Down

21 Aug 2014 2 2 218
A sunset from last year.

210 items in total