Christmas Fun [DSC03945E]


You know that I did. Lol

22 Sep 2013 78
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Mom says thanks for your caring and concern

11 Sep 2013 3 89
Thanks! Here's what happened:

Pierced while you're tanned, or tanned while you'r…

25 Aug 2013 1 74
I've seen lots of unusual things in my life. Once, in Pineville, Louisiana I saw a daycare center that also doubled as a tanning salon. (Okay, I might get that. They babysit your kids while you tan.) However, this one puzzles me. It's just not two things my brain would expect to see together. (Well, I guess if I'm going to get a PA or some other body mod, I may as well get bronzed in the process. lol.) Seen in Anderson, SC (US) Pierce while you tan ---IMG_9196.JPG


04 Aug 2013 1 1 129
Sent from my iPhone Okay, someone dared me to make this visible, so I'm taking him up on it. No, I'm not inebriated or plastered here. But with the heat in Shreveport being in excess of 100 degrees that day with heat indexes well above 100, anything cold- alcohol or not- would have brought relief. Unfortunately, I wasn't around when everyone picked their "cold wraps" to help us deal with the heat, so I got the leftover "hot pink" as they called it. At this point, I didn't care whether it made me look the antithesis of the traditional stereotype of "manhood" or not- it made me cool, and I was celebrating!

IMG 9148

10 Aug 2013 1 191
Freight train coming through!

Goodbye old girl

03 Aug 2013 1 5 201
After 25 years, my refrigerator finally passed on to "refrigerator heaven." It's strange that we can become attached to inanimate objects, such as cars, boats, and, yes, even gadgets and appliances. So..."farewell, sweet gal! You served us well." I was just thinking... in the time she lasted, I've been through numerous water heaters, televisions, vcr's , toasters, and DVD and CD players, and I've lost track of the number of computers I've owned during this time. "Yes, girl, you've witnessed the pitter patter of little feet that slowly transformed over time into the soft quiet step of a young beautiful woman, and you've been around long enough to see and hear new little feet running around my house. All the while, you kept us supplied with cold beverages and frozen treats. But the end, inevitably, must come. We shall miss you! Goodbye, old girl." Sent from my iPhone

Kolton eating ice cream with Papa at the beach

26 Jul 2013 1 99
Cell shot A few weeks ago I was reading a book to Kolton, and after we finished he informed me that he wanted me to take him to the beach, walk along the beach with him, and buy him an ice cream. Kristin smiled and said she wanted to go, too. Kolton said, "no mama, I want you to work. I want to go with papa." Maybe he's discovered I have a sweet tooth and love ice cream. (He also probably knows papa will let him eat more ice cream than mama will let him eat before stopping.). We tried to fulfill Kolton's dream with the ice cream today. Mama was there, but only to take pictures. btw, if you get ice cream at the beach during the Summer, go for the single scoop. Three scoops (what I had) melt before you can possibly get it all eaten. Sent from my iPhone

At the hotel in Columbia

23 Jul 2013 83
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At the hotel in Columbia.

23 Jul 2013 84
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At the hotel in Columbia.

23 Jul 2013 83
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At the hotel in Columbia.

23 Jul 2013 83
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At the hotel in Columbia.

23 Jul 2013 55
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At the hotel in Columbia.

23 Jul 2013 75
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The Nice Price!

07 Jul 2013 1 127
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Kristin and Blue

03 Jul 2013 1 142
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364 items in total