Christmas Fun [DSC03945E]


Christmas Fun [DSC03945E]

23 Dec 2016 109
I'm a little behind in posting pictures from 2016's Christmas festivities. I'll attempt to find time to get some photos up soon. I've got too many photos as of yet not uploaded. I don't want to take a chance on a computer crash and losing lots of Christmas pictures.

It's election time- I'll be so glad when this is a…

24 Sep 2016 1 1 123
This is the political mail that has automatically made it to my Spam box. There's plenty more that isn't in spam. Thank you, Gmail, for at least moving this amount of political junk to the trash. I wish I could make it ALL automatically land here. And, don't misunderstand me. I'm a very civic-minded individual, and I've contributed heavily to past campaigns. This campaign I'm not impressed with anyone still left in the running, although I have a definite preference of the three major candidates in the race. But, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I'm tired of political appeals. The November Election can't come soon enough for me, not because I'm thrilled with the potential future President, but simply because I want my mail box back. The same goes for my snail-mail box. (Hey, if I could somehow turn all this political mail into money- say something like $100 bucks per mail or email received- I'd be a multimillionaire many times over. Anyone have any ideas on how to convert unwanted mail to cash? lol)

The Home-School Crew ready to dine on Easter Sunda…

He thinks he's ready for a straw

22 Mar 2016 104
He's watched his big brothers drink out of a straw, so he thinks he should be able to drink from a straw. He isn't quite ready, but this was fun to watch.

As hard as bricks

28 Feb 2016 150
While they were certainly tasty, the bread sticks were overdone and almost required jaws of steel to eat. After a couple of bites, we fed the rest to the trash can.


01 Jan 2016 140
For those having difficulty reading the tickets backward in the original photo

I broke a family tradition-- EARLY-- yes, I said E…

28 Feb 2016 139
I actually arrived an hour-and-a-half early. No Garrett in my immediate family has EVER done that. We have the best intentions, but you'll always find us running just-in-time or barely late- sometimes a little more than "barely" in the late category. But not this guy & I- Kolton and I beat the bad "late gene" and actually managed to arrive somewhere BEFORE the doors even opened. We had a great time! :) (Amy Grant and Steven Curtis Chapman Concert, Greenville, SC, February 28, 2016)

364 items in total