Christmas Fun [DSC03945E]



28 Dec 2013 54
Photos from a 4-year old's vantage point. Photos by Kolton.


28 Dec 2013 55
Photos from a 4-year old's vantage point. Photos by Kolton.


28 Dec 2013 50
Photos from a 4-year old's vantage point. Photos by Kolton.


28 Dec 2013 78
Photos from a 4-year old's vantage point. Photos by Kolton.


28 Dec 2013 1 61
Photos from a 4-year old's vantage point. Photos by Kolton.


28 Dec 2013 56
Photos from a 4-year old's vantage point. Photos by Kolton.

I'd never seen this photo before- Kolton tickles t…

06 Jan 2014 121
I'll do a proper scan at some point in the future. Apparently, this is a photo taken at my sister's house a couple of years ago. I'm not sure Kristin has seen it either. Sent from my iPhone

Blue and his new teething toy- Sophie

04 Jan 2014 95
Sent from my iPhone

There were chickens in this manger

29 Dec 2013 67
There were chickens in this manger. Well, sort of.... this was at a local restaurant that specializes in chicken and biscuits. The iPhone photo doesn't do it justice, but it looked really cute across the top of the counter. I used to see things like this all the time when I was growing up, but now it seems most people are reluctant to display anything in their stores that might imply that Christmas actually has a religious if the first six letters are some kind of fluke. If the entire calendar system is marked by this Baby's birth, you would think it must have once been considered a very important event. Nowadays, it seems most everyone wants to relegate the Christmas holiday to jingle bells, fat men with sleighs, fake snowflakes, and tinsel. That's the Hollywood version of Christmas. I'll celebrate the traditional way. 2013-12-29 20.21.07.jpg

I gave Kolton a little camera for Christmas...

28 Dec 2013 1 82
He didn't put the camera down from the moment he received it. I have high hopes here! :) DSC03463.JPG

Tyger's birthday at the Japanese steakhouse

11 Dec 2013 2 89
(Sent from my iPhone because I didn't have a real camera with me. lol) -- Okay, so it's a day early. Tyger's birthday is tomorrow, but we celebrated today. I worked at our Asheville location today (WSKY) and was invited after work to enjoy dinner at the Japanese steakhouse with Tyger, his family and some of our friends helping us with the Asheville tower move. Eating at Yoshida is always entertaining, and the food is always great, but the big surprise at the end of the meal was that they knew about Tyger's birthday, sang Happy Birthday to him, and presented him with this delicious dessert, which the girls promptly fought him over. lol. Had a great time tonight!

Thanksgiving 2013

27 Nov 2013 2 104
The youngest and the eldest. (My baby sister and I pose for the camera during our Thanksgiving get-together.)
24 Nov 2013 76
I've got to start carrying my good camera with me all the time. These cell phone shots just aren't clear enough. Sent from my iPhone
24 Nov 2013 73
I've got to start carrying my good camera with me all the time. These cell phone shots just aren't clear enough. Sent from my iPhone
24 Nov 2013 105
I've got to start carrying my good camera with me all the time. These cell phone shots just aren't clear enough. Sent from my iPhone


26 Sep 2013 71
I had a funeral to attend recently. My sister-in-law's mother died, who was well into her 80's or 90's. At the last minute they asked if I could capture/record the comments somehow so that the deceased's husband, who can barely hear, would be able to play back the minister's comments later, since he couldn't hear well enough to know what was being said at the time. Not having any equipment with me other than the Sony Videocam, I tried to discretely video the service. This is one of those low res automatic shots the Sony takes while doing video. I have it programmed to lock in on faces and take an automatic shot anytime it thinks someone is smiling. In this case, in the middle of a solemn memorial ceremony, the minister did manage to smile a few times, and this is what I got. (note- I've got to get a newer Sony. My unit is 4-5 years old, and while it shoots great stills when in photo mode, it only shoots low res while doing vids. I'm sure the newer models take a much higher quality photo while doing video.)

New employee. One of his first times making this.

22 Sep 2013 123
Not bad for a first time! (Sent from my iPhone)

Care for a swim?

19 Sep 2013 88
Not that I'd want to fish, wade, or swim here anyway. :) Sent from my iPhone

364 items in total