Patagonia, AZ (2223)

Arizona (mostly)

Folder: Other West
Pictures from various trips to and through Arizona, except:

Bisbee -- I've been there a number of times, so that's a separate album.

Lower Colorado -- The lower Colorado river area (AZ, CA, and NV south of Las Vegas) feels like a separate and unique culture, fairly often, so those are all a separate album.

To insure that photos from the same trip are adjacent, photos are in date order with newe…  (read more)

Wupatki National Monument 1646a

05 Jan 2010 103
Wupatki Pueblo. See description of site with nearby photo in Arizona set.

Wupatki National Monument 1645a

05 Jan 2010 153
I've visited Wupatki National Monument at least 3 times over the past 20 years and found each visit to be worthwhile. Every time I've visited there have been relatively few other visitors, thus it is one of the few Native American ruins where it is quiet enough to be able to spend time reflecting on what life must have been like for the original inhabitants. The vistas to the east are of seemingly uninterrupted grasslands and canyons going on forever, thus adding to the sense of spectacular isolation. Per the National Park Service website, the ruins date back to 1100's when the area was most densely populated. The eruption of a nearby volcano (see Sunset Crater photos) forced populations to move and at the same time the volcanic ash held moisture in the soil so that crops were easier to grow. Settlement here lasted until about 1250. Updated 7/13/2014: Per the link below, excavation began in 1933 and much of the early labor for excavation and stabilization of the ruins was provided through two New Deal agencies: Civil Works Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps.

Sunset Crater Volcano NM 1644a

Sunset Crater Volcano NM 1642a

Sunset Crater Volcano NM (1641)

05 Jan 2010 104
Looking across a snow-covered lava field towards mountains in the distance.

Sunset Crater Volcano NM 1640a

Sunset Crater Volcano NM 1638a

05 Jan 2010 104
It's a rule... whenever I'm in an area of lava flows, I have to take a picture of a tree that seems to be doing the impossible of growing out of the lava flow. The other part of the rule is that it is always a situation where it is difficult to distinguish the tree from the background!

Sunset Crater Volcano NM 1636a

Kingman, AZ airport 1635a

04 Jan 2010 174
Kingman Airport, apparently a storage facility for planes that are temporarily out-of-service.

Kingman, AZ airport 1634a

04 Jan 2010 171
Kingman Airport, apparently a storage facility for planes that are temporarily out-of-service -- or, in this case, being dismantled. Since TWA went out of service in 2001, I'm surprised this plane hadn't already been completely dismantled.

Kingman, AZ airport 1632a

04 Jan 2010 131
Kingman Airport, apparently a storage facility for planes that are temporarily out-of-service.

Kingman, AZ airport 1631a

04 Jan 2010 148
Kingman Airport, apparently a storage facility for planes that are temporarily out-of-service. The DHL planes are Airbus A300's

Canyon de Chelly National Monument 3a

01 Jun 2002 119
Scenes of Canyon de Chelly. This very tall spire is at the lower end of Canyon de Chelly. Photo taken in 2002, larger size picture no longer available. Best viewed as part of Arizona set.

Canyon de Chelly National Monument 5a2

01 Jun 2002 127
Scenes of Canyon de Chelly. Note the detail of the cliff dwellings in the adjacent picture. To get a sense of the size of the canyon wall, note that there is a pickup truck in the trees on the canyon floor. There are also three people in front of the cliff dwelling. (see adjacent picture). Photo taken in 2002, larger size picture no longer available. Best viewed as part of Arizona set.

Canyon de Chelly National Monument 5b

01 Jun 2002 130
Detail of the previous picture. To get a sense of the size of the cliff dwellings, note that there are three people standing in front of the structure that is on the canyon floor -- there is also a pickup truck in the picture on the left (in the trees on the canyon floor). Photo taken in 2002, larger size picture no longer available. Best viewed as part of Arizona set.

Canyon de Chelly National Monument 1a

01 Jun 2002 127
Scenes of Canyon de Chelly, see details in adjacent picture. Photo taken in 2002, larger size picture no longer available. Best viewed as part of Arizona set.

Canyon de Chelly National Monument 1b

01 Jun 2002 119
Scenes of Canyon de Chelly, detail of the cliff dwellings that are in the adjacent picture. Photo taken in 2002, larger size picture no longer available. Best viewed as part of Arizona set.

Pinal Pioneer Parkway 125a

13 Jun 2008 134
The cholla along the Pinal Pioneer Parkway are much taller than what I've usually seen in California, where most have been under 4' and with no separate visible trunk. I'd never seen cholla that looked almost like a tree, but the cholla on the left side of the second picture is about 7' tall at the highest point. (best viewed as part of Arizona set)

517 items in total