Uffizi Gallery

Florence, March 2015

Billowing Sail

02 Mar 2015 91
Looks like a modern 'tag' but is actually a stylised ship's sail, emblem of the Rucellai family who paid for the completion of the facade in 1470 (it says in my book).

Scultura No 4 - 65

02 Mar 2015 70
Bronze, aluminium, wood, by Marcello Guasti, 1965

Cheerful perspective

Everything Might Be Different

Concave mirror with red sparkly thing

in through the yellow funnel, and out through the…

Santa Maria Novella


02 Mar 2015 93
Note the family of boars at the little table

20150302 19

San Lorenzo

Luciano the Butcher

20150302 13


02 Mar 2015 133
book shop

La Scuola Cucina Lorenzo Medici

20150302 10

Truffle Bar

02 Mar 2015 88
Il Tartufo

Willy Pasta

212 items in total