Uffizi Gallery

Florence, March 2015

Ponte alle Grazie

Ponte Vecchio

Ponte Vecchio


Handsome Chap

Eddie Izzard

Uffizi Gallery

ceiling panel

Four Moors

ceiling panel

The Duke and Duchess of Urbino

01 Mar 2015 83
by Piero della Francesca, 1472.

Ogling Venus

01 Mar 2015 112
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, 1485 - "the first example in Tuscany of a painting on canvas".

The Tribune

01 Mar 2015 80
This octagonal room was commissioned by Francesco de' Medici in 1584 for his best stuff. The floor is marble, the dome is encrusted with mother-of-pearl shells and the walls are dressed in red velvet.

The Tribune

01 Mar 2015 97
This octagonal room was commissioned by Francesco de' Medici in 1584 for his best stuff. The floor is marble, the dome is encrusted with mother-of-pearl shells and the walls are dressed in red velvet.

The Tribune

01 Mar 2015 101
This octagonal room was commissioned by Francesco de' Medici in 1584 for his best stuff. The floor is marble, the dome is encrusted with mother-of-pearl shells and the walls are dressed in red velvet.

pretty ceiling

between offices

bridges over the Arno

212 items in total