Michael Hurley

2017 Nelsonville Music Festival

It was again my good fortune to be assigned to photograph the Nelsonville Music Festival, a four-day event on the campus of Hocking College in southeastern Ohio, and produced by the Stuart's Opera House consortium.

02 Jun 2017

85 visits

The Conor Oberst band

02 Jun 2017

95 visits

Aaron Lee Tasjan

Aaron Lee Tasjan, who wears bright purple shoes, performed on the Main Stage Friday afternoon.

02 Jun 2017

98 visits

Andrew Graham of Swarming Branch

Swarming Branch's Andrew Graham on the Porch Stage Friday.

02 Jun 2017

107 visits

Sara Watkins

Sara Watkins, a bluegrass legend in her mid-30s, wowed the crowd Friday afternoon with her Main Stage performance.

02 Jun 2017

94 visits

Frazey Ford

Frazey Ford took to the Main Stage Friday afternoon.

02 Jun 2017

116 visits

Sarah Shook

On the Porch Stage, North Carolins'a Sarah Shook and The Disarmers, with the world's most into-it drummer, drew a huge audience reaction.

02 Jun 2017

102 visits

Body art

Intricate designs in temporary body decorations, such as this one, were offered by The Henna Faerie.

02 Jun 2017

88 visits

A Main Stage panorama

02 Jun 2017

93 visits

Relaxing on the hillside

Reasing on the railroad embankment near the Porch Stage were the hill people of Southeastern Ohio.
74 items in total