Michael Hurley

2017 Nelsonville Music Festival

It was again my good fortune to be assigned to photograph the Nelsonville Music Festival, a four-day event on the campus of Hocking College in southeastern Ohio, and produced by the Stuart's Opera House consortium.

01 Jun 2017

103 visits

Michael Hurley

The first performer at the 2017 Nelsonville Music Festival was the perennially popular Michael Hurley, on the Boxcar Stage.

01 Jun 2017

94 visits

Valley Queen

Kicking off the Main Stage was Valley Queen, with frontwoman Natalie Carol.

01 Jun 2017

108 visits

Brenda on the Porch Stage

The Porch Stage was moved this year, though in the same general area, just facing the other direction. Here's "Brenda" Thursday afternoon.

01 Jun 2017

76 visits

Woody Pines with merch

Woody Pines played the No-fi cabin Thursday, arriving with an armload of their new album on -- yes -- vinyl.

01 Jun 2017

100 visits

Natalie Carol

At Nelsonville, the artists have a good time on the festival grounds when they're not on stage. Here's Valley Queen Natalie Carol.

01 Jun 2017

115 visits


The festival has its own performance art. This young man spent Thursday evening with a box on his head.

02 Jun 2017

97 visits

Parquet Courts

Performing on the Main Stage Thursday evening, the bassist for Parquet Courts was enthusiastic.

02 Jun 2017

95 visits

Hula hoops have become popular at festivals

02 Jun 2017

83 visits

Conor Oberst on the Main Stage

Conor Oberst was Thursday night's Main Stage headliner.
74 items in total