The fair began with a parade of flags

International Street Fair 2015, Athens, Ohio

Each year, the Ohio University international students group sponsors an international street fair on the main street in Athens, Ohio. The 2015 edition enjoyed enormous crowds and lovely weather.

18 Apr 2015

84 visits

Traditional foods from many lands were offered.

18 Apr 2015

83 visits

Thai dancers drew a crowd

18 Apr 2015

84 visits

Little Beckett, age 2, is too young -- and too cool -- for school

18 Apr 2015

155 visits

Kento Matsuoki and Yayoi Nakano, from Japan

18 Apr 2015

100 visits

Erin Grimes and Morty the Chihuahua

18 Apr 2015

84 visits

Muhammet Ariturk, from Turkey

18 Apr 2015

97 visits

The parade

18 Apr 2015

93 visits

Ethnic instruments accompanied the parade

18 Apr 2015

85 visits

Parade of flags

37 items in total