The fair began with a parade of flags

International Street Fair 2015, Athens, Ohio

Each year, the Ohio University international students group sponsors an international street fair on the main street in Athens, Ohio. The 2015 edition enjoyed enormous crowds and lovely weather.

18 Apr 2015

114 visits

The fair began with a parade of flags

18 Apr 2015

290 visits

Hashim Pashtun, from Afghanistan, was master of ceremonies

18 Apr 2015

114 visits

Games from many nations were played

18 Apr 2015

199 visits

Nabila Abd Mahan, student from Malaysia

18 Apr 2015

89 visits

The Malasian Students Association display

18 Apr 2015

93 visits

The local health inspector issues a clean bill of, well, health

18 Apr 2015

95 visits

Basel Al Saadi, from Oman, describes his country to visitors.

18 Apr 2015

97 visits

Delicious fare was served

18 Apr 2015

110 visits

Before the parade, volunteers chose the flags they would bear

37 items in total