Hans-Georg Kaiser's documents

Beatles: The Fool on the Hill

1 favorite 298 visits

Beatles: I am the Walrus

320 visits

Beatles: All You Need Is Love

359 visits

Beatles: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

321 visits

Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever

360 visits

BURL IVES Big Rock Candy Mountain

1 favorite 439 visits
Big Rock Candy Mountain Songwriters: SIEGMEISTER, ELIE / KERR, WALTER F. Chorus: Oh the buzzin' of the bees in the cigarette trees The soda water fountain where the lemonade springs And the bluebird sings in that Big Rock Candy Mountain Refreno…

Fischer: Paca nokt' - Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht

379 visits
Kristnaska teksto- kaj bildokolekto de Cezar cezarkulturo.blogspot.de/p/festoj.html

454 docs in total