
Combe Valley Countryside Park

Folder: Nature Spaces
Formally known as Pebsham Countryside Park, is a lovely area of marsh, farm, woods and Filsham Reedbed we are lucky enough to live very near.

Dichrorampha plumbana

18 Jun 2013 1 199
Another that I can't verify as of yet, but the size and coloration are a good example. We had gone to look for another Dichrorampha species to get it verified, but I suspect these are the ones we caught and will hear back from Tony Davis when he's had a chance to check them.

European Chinchbug

18 Jun 2013 1 192
I've never seen these bugs before it was difficult to get them all in focus, hence the two photos, but as they were moving around so much I didn't dare stack them. The larger females are dragging the poor little males all over. I also have no idea why I've never seen 1 of these and there were so many pairs in one spot!

European Chinchbug

18 Jun 2013 1 188
I've never seen these bugs before it was difficult to get them all in focus, hence the two photos, but as they were moving around so much I didn't dare stack them. The larger females are dragging the poor little males all over. I also have no idea why I've never seen 1 of these and there were so many pairs in one spot!

Common Spotted-orchid @ Combe Haven

18 Jun 2013 1 3 168
A new little batch of Common Spotted Orchids at Combe Haven that I had never seen before.

Grizzled Skipper ab. taras

25 May 2012 1 179
We see a lot of these aberrations as well as ab. intermedia at Marline Woods near by, but not seen this one at Combe Haven before.

Grizzled Skipper

25 May 2012 1 150
Grizzled Skippers are still going well at the 1st location, still no sign of them at the second location, which is not being managed and the Rabbits are not as active, plus its being allowed to turn into Ash Woodland as well.

Another Little Green Job

18 Jun 2013 1 183
Doing some sweeping at Combe Haven we found this lovely little spider, Not sure of ID it was a lot smaller than the previous spider but similar marks, could be another Enoplognatha sp.

Very Cute Spider

18 Jun 2013 1 175
Doing some sweeping at Combe Haven we found this lovely little spider, It is actually a male, which I had previously thought otherwise due to the large abdomen but neglected to notice the palps...lol Definitely male here, and I think Enoplognatha sp would be a good id as there are a couple and it would need a gynological exam to be sure :0


18 Jun 2013 1 153
This sawfly looks different to others I've seen so have added to my collection. Still need to get an ID.

Unknown Beetle

18 Jun 2013 1 206
Nice little beetle that I have yet to ID.

Ragged Robin

18 Jun 2013 2 2 218
Another of my favorite wildflowers, I think because its a lot like my life at times, organized chaos! :)

No Idea Yet

18 Jun 2013 1 206
A friend of mine has a photo of one of these and he has never found an ID either, I've looked and looked but if anyone has any ideas I am all ears. I believe it is a pupa of something but no idea what. Hanging from an Oak tree limb in scruffy area with brambles and such.

Malachite Beetle

18 Jun 2013 2 3 202
At take off :)

Running Crab Spider

18 Jun 2013 1 156
Went over to Filsham a bit back and decided to do a bit of sweeping with the net, some of the most interesting things we found were spiders and beetles.

Clouded Border Moth

Upper Wilting Farm Rapeseed

02 Jun 2013 1 187
I love Rapeseed fields every few years the farm at Combe Haven Countryside Park has it as a crop, it just is so lovely to see. Shame that this farm will probably be desimated by the useless Link Road the council is forcing on us in Hastings.

Four-spotted Chaser Face On

02 Jun 2013 1 2 325
and on my finger, it was so docile and I couldn't get it off after this, I think my finger was keeping his toes warm :D

Euophrys frontalis

02 Jun 2013 1 2 277
This little lady was on my bag, that seam is maybe just shy of a 1cm, so she is tiny but what a lovely pattern. Could really use an ID if anyone has seen one like it I've had a good dig around in what resources I've got which are just a few sites online really, and she was in a dry (most years) area of rough ground, Rabbit managed and slightly elevated. Update: I think I've found her, she looks very much like a Euophrys frontalis Female, we'll see what my spidery friend thinks..lol

1232 items in total