
Combe Valley Countryside Park

Folder: Nature Spaces
Formally known as Pebsham Countryside Park, is a lovely area of marsh, farm, woods and Filsham Reedbed we are lucky enough to live very near.

Euophrys frontalis

02 Jun 2013 1 245
This little lady was on my bag, that seam is maybe just shy of a 1cm, so she is tiny but what a lovely pattern. Could really use an ID if anyone has seen one like it I've had a good dig around in what resources I've got which are just a few sites online really, and she was in a dry (most years) area of rough ground, Rabbit managed and slightly elevated. Update: I think I've found her, she looks very much like a Euophrys frontalis Female, we'll see what my spidery friend thinks..lol

Four-spotted Chaser

02 Jun 2013 1 1 179
Found this lovely thing roosting up for the night as we finished our walk.

Four-spotted Chaser

02 Jun 2013 183
Found this lovely thing roosting up for the night as we finished our walk.

Grizzled Skipper

02 Jun 2013 1 209
Got lucky enough to have the cloud move over and the few little Grizzled Skippers still out (its late for them to be out still) are roosting up.

Grizzled Skipper

02 Jun 2013 3 180
Catchin the few rays as the clouds pass by to warm up.


Sorrel or Dock Flowers

02 Jun 2013 155
Not sure which, but such lovely tiny tiny flowers :)

Rapeseed Field

02 Jun 2013 1 1 157
The number of white butterflies we saw, probably laying eggs, its a wonder they have a crop! lol

Orange-tip Butterfly

Orb Weaver

02 Jun 2013 214
I plead Guilty! Ok so I don't normally interfere, I am guilty of it this time, and I'm not proud of it... Walking along and this Comma Butterfly wizzes by our heads, I follow it watching and in Comma's typical showing off, he lands smack in a web. Now it was right beside me, and I could see if was full of crumb, twigs, seeds, half torn up etc, so didn't look like it was still occupado, I quickly accessed that there was no reason for the butterfly to die in vain, even if it was its own fault showing out! I grabbed him out quickly mind you and didn't realize until they had both dropped to the ground that this very attractive spider did indeed live in that web, so the butterfly flew off irradically, probably died anyway and this lovely lady missed a good meal, and from the state of her web she wasn't going to catch a lot! So the moral is...Clean your web spiders, and leave it be Crystal...lol

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Caterpillar Face

02 Jun 2013 2 208
Shows the detail a bit more of their face.

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Caterpillar

02 Jun 2013 1 224
One of the most common Burnet Moths, and caterpillars I see but I loved his curly-ness.

Meadow Brown Caterpillar

02 Jun 2013 1 218
I've been really trying to concentrait on Caterpillars this year so that I can have better ways of IDing them, so I'm always excited when I find a new one (and get an ID..lol) this was made better as its a Butterfly species, which we don't see cats of often.

Dichrorampha plumbagana

02 Jun 2013 1 1 209
I'm still waiting on confirmation on this species, its Nationally Scarce Nb status and I can't find even one record in Sussex, however it is a distinctly marked individual along with its size I am pretty confident. Will be a good record if it is. Update, we have confirmation on another one sent to our county micro man, I'll have to search for this guy again this year to be sure

Cocksfoot Moth

02 Jun 2013 1 177
This is a tiny little moth, about 3-4mm head to tail but quite a nice one, they like flowers and are quite common.

Notocelia roborana

02 Jun 2013 181
Had a very mothy day at Combe Haven on 2 June, cloudy-sun-cloudy is usually good time to see some moths. This one I have yet to get an ID on, will have to do some looking.

Vetch Piercer

02 Jun 2013 1 205
I like this little moth, not especially a common one but we do usually see a few every year.

Hook-streak Grass-veneer

02 Jun 2013 1 1 193
One of the earlier Grass moth species of the year usually.

1232 items in total