
Combe Valley Countryside Park

Folder: Nature Spaces
Formally known as Pebsham Countryside Park, is a lovely area of marsh, farm, woods and Filsham Reedbed we are lucky enough to live very near.

Shaded Broad-bar

Rutpela maculata

Ancistrocerus sp.

14 Jul 2013 241
Not sure which of this family this one is, there are three it could be, but a very nice looker, with a nice hole in the cement block. (see note)

Finally Finished!

21 Jul 2013 2 220
All is revealed Here . If anyone can help me ID any of these, let me know...lol

Huge Cinnabar & Dagger Moth

21 Jul 2013 1 211
All is revealed Here .

Gigantic Rock Eating Caterpillars

21 Jul 2013 221
All is revealed Here .

Moths on Stick in Making

18 Jul 2013 206
All is revealed Here .

Bowl Of Caterpillars

18 Jul 2013 212
All is revealed Here .

Making Caterpillars

18 Jul 2013 1 207
All is revealed Here .

Garden Bumble Bee

25 Jun 2013 3 208
I noticed in moving my stuff from 'over there' that I was lacking a lot of the Bumble species so trying to add to that set a bit. This was a large Bumble for this time of year and I wish now I had taken more care to photograph its long face.

Buzzard Altercation Mid Air

25 Jun 2013 1 213
This is a terrible shot, in that I was watching this bird gain height, and move into the sun (of course!) when out of no where another bird came in and this happened. Cropped heavily but thought it was interesting behavior.

Ragged Robin

18 Jun 2013 3 3 252
Getting eatin by Mozzies that were not only huge but vicious for this one...lol

Flowered Nymph

18 Jun 2013 1 152
Probably a Leaf Hopper sp, from Cuckoo spit but he looked lovely in the flowers. Again this is tiny thing we swept up, he is all of 4-5mm.

Up...Up ... And Away

18 Jun 2013 2 136
This would probably normally be one of those I'd say 'Damn I almost had it', but there is just something I actually like about it...lol

This is MY Poo

18 Jun 2013 2 1 209
Get your own! I found this little scene interesting, (not sure what that says about me, but there you go) the two flies seemed to keep nudging each other with their legs, pushing the other away, and then the poo is loaded with ants and a millipede.

Crab Spider

18 Jun 2013 1 164
With lovely red stripe, not seen this color before.

24-spot Ladybird Larvae

18 Jun 2013 1 1 176
I had no idea what these were, they are so tiny, 1-3mm but there were loads in the grass heads. I was pleased to learn they are Ladybird Larva.

Another Attractive Spider

18 Jun 2013 1 1 174
That needs a name, swept from the grass and veg.

1232 items in total