Espaço AmArte, painter Micéu (left) exhibition with Maria da Nazaré, gallery director

Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte

Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte

The Swan's Lake (painting)

07 May 2008 1 4 863
by Eva Penalva (Exhibition at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte, 2008 May 7 - 28), oil on canvas

Painting Exhibition, Lisboa, 2008 May 14 - 28, inv…

09 May 2008 1 563
Sorry for the bad quality of this photo

"Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela H…

15 Jun 2008 2 2 666
"Sara", title of the painting reproduced at the cover, acrylic paint on canvas

"Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela H…

15 Jun 2008 634
See the review written by myself upon the artist at the right page & "Self-portrait", title of the painting reproduced at the left page, acrylic paint on canvas

"Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela H…

15 Jun 2008 537
"Triptych", acrylic oil on canvas (left), "The Jazz's Tension - Poezz", collage (top-right), "without tittle", acrylic oil on canvas (bottom-right)

Escape's Point - II (painting)

15 Jun 2008 3 6 695
by Manuela Horta (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), acrylic paint & plaster on canvas

Perverse Collages / Paper Sculptures (painting ser…

09 Jul 2008 1 2 732
by Fernando Grade (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), mixed techniques on paper

Perverse Collages / Paper Sculptures (painting ser…

07 Jul 2008 2 2 699
by Fernando Grade (represented at Art Gallery Espaço AmArte), mixed techniques on paper

Perverse Collages / Paper Sculptures (painting ser…

07 Jul 2008 5 3 808
by Fernando Grade (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), mixed techniques on paper

Armando Taborda (painting)

09 Jul 2008 4 5 902
by Artur Franco, represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte, oil on canvas

Lisboa, Hospital of Luz, winter garden

26 Jan 2009 2 5 814
the painting exhibition around co-ordinated by the Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte belongs to Carlos Alexandre


14 Aug 2014 7 12 310
by Pedro CHARTERS d'AZEVEDO (mix-technic on canvas, big size)


14 Aug 2014 6 8 294
by Pedro CHARTERS d'AZEVEDO (mix-technic on canvas, big size)

Is Boy and Girl

05 Nov 2014 1 5 394
"JANUS FLEURI" (1968), sculpture in bronze by Louise BOURGEOIS (1911-2010) ...[What she creates as a sculptor out of her own subjectivity becomes an object for her, and for us, to love and hate. There are two clitorises or two flaccid penises; in between them is a representation of the female genitals experienced from inside. They look as if touched they would respond with pleasure. Stasis and movement are capured in bronze - a hard material made to represent softness. The title of the piece reminds us that most flowers contain both male and female elements. "It is perhaps a self-portrait", she said of the sculpture in September 1969, "one of many".]... by Juliet MITCHELL, in "LOVE AND HATE, GIRL AND BOY", 2014

"I Don't Know: The Weave of Textile Language"

09 Nov 2014 12 22 397
by Richard TUTTLE, sculpture, at TATE's Turbine Hall, Exhibition until 14 December ................................................................................................................................... "It's easy to see why Richard Tuttle's work has a tendency to ripe people - in particular people who insist on believing that sculpture, even if it no longer needs to be solid and substantial, should at least cling to material existence. From early on Tuttle seemed set on refusing such notions; his work came across as impromptu and elusive, a mirage of fragments, shadows and traces, portable, and hardly built to last" .................................................................................................................................... extract from a review by Anne WAGNER

The mask clings to the wall...

17 Nov 2014 11 19 578 we cling to the mirror image /// A máscara apega-se à parede...como nós à imagem do espelho by Armando TABORDA, 2014 (1st edition, 2014; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2018)

Slipping Cluster

238 items in total