Espaço AmArte, painter Micéu (left) exhibition with Maria da Nazaré, gallery director

Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte

Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte

MAAT (Art Architecture Technology Museum)

03 Jan 2019 10 16 281
Today, arrival to the MAAT, through the walking art, with the wonderful architecture under the eyes and a cold to crack the body, technologically speaking


03 Jan 2019 9 13 230
I WILL NEVER BE ONE OF YOU, 2018 (acrylic paint on wall) by Horácio FRUTUOSO at MAAT, Lisbon "The artist work explores the limits of language, its figurative power and dimensional capabilities"

Umbilical cords of world information (my title)

03 Jan 2019 12 20 241
(extracted from an installation at MAAT, Lisbon)

"OVER FLOW", 2018

07 Jan 2019 8 15 293
by Tadashi KAWAMATA (plastic debris collected in coastal areas of Portugal) at MAAT, Lisbon

Of course, I paid my ticket to enter!!!

03 Jan 2019 5 9 211
paint on wall of MAAT (Art Architecture and Technology Museum), Lisbon

Love cabin (my title)

03 Jan 2019 7 10 213
installation at MAAT, Lisbon


28 Jan 2019 10 15 213
"PERSECUTED", bronze by Pedro dos ANJOS TEIXEIRA (1908-1997), at his Sintra museum

..."by seas never before navigated"...

14 Mar 2019 5 8 137
press z to see in the lightbox

Iron sculptures

24 Mar 2019 8 9 190
at Armazém Central Restaurant, Aldeia Mineira do Lousal

Benfica Church

25 Mar 2019 11 22 364
Baptismal font made from a single stone; canvas by Pedro ALEXANDRINO (18th century)

Temporary Exhibition "A METADE DO CÉU" / "HALF THE…

15 Apr 2019 6 8 267
Venue: Fundação Árpád Szenes - Vieira da Silva, Lisboa (from 21.03.2019 to 21.06.2019) Yesterday I visited this temporary exhibition. The Foundation building inner space is outstanding; the exhibition is relatively weak, made of some post-modern installations and paintings created with some imagination and little artistic merit. Obvious exception for the paintings of the Foundation permanent collection, from Vieira da Silva, absolutely genial, more than her husband Árpád, shy in his abstractions and with some pictorial frigidity. Mosaic photographs: # Exhibition entrance # "Vestido para poder falar com Deus", by Fátima Mendonça (1964) # "I am a non-commercial artist", by Joana Bastos (1979) # "Cordeiro de Deus", by Graça Costa Cabral (1939-2016) # "Mar", by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva (1908-1992)

Árpád Szenes - Vieira da Silva Foundation, Lisbon


I see a cock' shadow at the artwork's back


ART & CITIZENSHIP, one more initiative from BALDAY…

ART KIMBANGU Presentation, Art'Oeste, Democratic R…

09 Jul 2019 11 18 257
Venue: Palácio BALDAYA, Benfica, LISBOA 6-30 July 2019 /// Top left - TRANSMISSION DU POUVOIR, bois et fer Top right - LONGOLA MABE, bronze patine Centre - EXPORTATION DE LA SAGESSE, huile et acrylique sur toile Bottom left - LE CRI DE LARME, bois afronozia martelé et pierre Bottom right - KIMPAVITA, bois ebenne patinée, fer, bronze et pierre

The 1st book, edited in Portuguese language

11 Jul 2019 11 15 228
at CHAVES City, by Clemente Sánchez de VERCIAL, Leon Priest

239 items in total