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  Publication date  /  2021  /  January   -   35 photos

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  • Украина, Мост через реку Гнилопять / Ukraine, Bridge over the river of Gnilopyat
  • Украина, Вверх по течению реки Гнилопять / Ukraine, Upstream of the Gnilopyat River
  • Украина, Вверх по течению реки Гнилопять / Ukraine, Upstream of the Gnilopyat River
  • Украина, Тишина и спокойствие на реке Гнилопять / Ukraine, peace and quiet on the river of Gnilopyat
  • Украина, На байдарках по реке Гнилопять / Ukraine, Kayaking on the River of Gnilopyat
  • Украина, Зеркальная поверхность реки Гнилопять / Ukraine, Mirror surface of the river of Gnilopyat
  • Украина, Правый берег реки Тетерев / Ukraine, Right bank of the Teterev river
  • Украина, Вверх по течению реки Тетерев / Ukraine, Upstream of the Teterev River
  • Украина, На старте байдарочного похода по рекам Тетерев и Гнилопять / Ukraine, At the start of a kayaking trip along the Teterev and Gnilopyat rivers
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The Top of Makovsky Surgical Hospital Building
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Zolotovorotska street
  • Ukraine, The Golden Gate of Kiev
  • Ukraine, The Golden Gate of Kiev
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The District of Podol
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The Castle Hill (also known as Witch Hill)
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Path to Climb The Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The District of Podol
  • The Holy Ascension Florovsky Monastery (below) and  a bridge under construction across the Dnieper (above)
  • The Holy Ascension Florovsky Monastery
  • Ukraine, Nikolsky Cathedral of the Intercession Monastery in Kiev
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The destroyed brick fence of the old cemetery on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Brick from the destroyed wall of the old cemetery on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Abandoned crypt at the cemetery on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Jewish Burrial at the cemetery on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The butterfly froze for a moment
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Propaganda character - take your trash with you
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Attributes of a pagan rite in the park on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Conversation on the history of pagan beliefs at the pagan altar in the park on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Altar of the pagan rite in the park on the Castle Hill
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The District of Vozdvizhenka
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The District of Vozdvizhenka
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Mansards and roofs of the Vozdvizhenka
  • Ukraine, Kiev, The District of Vozdvizhenka
  • Ukraine, Kiev, Andreevsky Descent Street and St. Andrew's Church
  • Ukraine, Kiev, St. Andrew's Church