01 Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam

2015 Panama Scenes and Other Wildlife

Folder: Central America
This album covers our trip to Panama via the international flight from Amsterdam, and our stay at two hotels near the Soberania National Park just north of Panama City. The first week was south of the Park in Paraiso, whilst the second week we stayed north of it at Gamboa, both close to the Panama Canal. Here are some of the scenes and animals which we saw at both places during our stay. A set of …  (read more)

01 Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam

31 May 2015 174
There doesn't appear to be many direct flights to Central America these days, but the flights via Amsterdam seemed to be the easiest way to get to Panama. A morning shuttle flight from Heathrow, London got us to Schiphol International Airport in time for a short connection to their direct Panama flight.

02 Our "Blue Bird" Waiting at the Dock

31 May 2015 1 155
The flight to Panama was by a Boeing 777 long range Jet, and it is always amazing all the preparations going on before it finally takes to the skies.

03 Over Plymouth, England, Heading West

31 May 2015 1 163
Below us, the clear skies showed the River Tamar Estuary with the two bridges crossing it. Only the day before we had crossed the historic curved top Brunel's Railway Bridge at the beginning of our journey to London and onwards to Amsterdam.

04 Dodmans Point, Cornwall

31 May 2015 1 147
Back over Cornwall now, a clear view of this promotary. Near the left of the picture is Gorran Haven, originally a Cornish fishing village, which has now become a popular holiday destination. Nearer to our path, but just off the left of the picture is another well-known holiday village, Mevagissey.

05 River Fal Estuary, Cornwall

31 May 2015 1 231
Almost over home ground now. At the far side of the right-hand inlet is Falmouth, whilst on the near-side of the left-hand inlet is St Mawes. The large central water area is the Carrick Roads, the mouth of which is a deep-water harbour.

06 St Michael's Mount, Cornwall

31 May 2015 1 153
Well, would you believe it! After a clear trip all along southern England, the only place where a cloud mass occurred was over our home area, which was off to the left of this picture. This Mount Island in Penzance Bay is visible from our front garden, but today we have to be high overhead to see it. Marazion is the village on the coast at left nearest the Mount, and on low tides, it is possible to walk to the Mount over a causeway. However, you have to be aware that the causeway is covered at high tide, so the transit is then by small boat.

07 Land's End & Longships Rocks, Cornwall

31 May 2015 1 164
Goodbye Britain - Panama Here We Come! Our final view of England, the west-most point of Land's End. The cluster of rocks at the extreme right are the Longships Rocks, an historic hazard for many ships passing around the point.

08 High Rise Buildings, Panama City

31 May 2015 1 4 151
After an uneventful flight, we pass Panama City on the descent to their International Airport. Through the low cloud and rain we see a lot of new buildings now clustered along the coastline.

09 High Rise Buildings, Panama City

31 May 2015 140
From our taxi to the hotel, we get a closer view of these towering accommodation blocks, many of which are being sold as holiday or retirement apartments.

11 Miraflore Locks Towing Locomotive

07 Jul 2015 181
One of the powerful electric locomotives (locally known as "Mules") used to guide ships through the Panama Canal Locks.

12 Miraflore Locks, Panama Canal

31 May 2015 1 191
From our hotel, the Miraflore Locks of the Panama Canal are a short complimentary trip for residents. The Museum building there covers all aspects of the construction of the Canal, and a number of balconies are available for visitors to view the lock transits by ships. Here, two are being processed to go through to the Pacific, "SEABOARD AMERICA" the nearer, and the larger "KAETHE P" following in the Left Locks. Note the relatively small towing locomotives (three on each side of the ship) which manoeuvres the ships through the different lock levels.

13 Pacific End Miraflore Locks

31 May 2015 1 139
All quiet at present, but soon to change.

14 SEABOARD AMERICA Moves To The Final Lock

07 Jul 2015 133
Here you can see two of the bow control locomotives used to guide the ship through the locks. Between each lock level, they travel down (or up in the other direction) steep slopes to get to the appropriate level. The locomotives are driven along a rack and pinion track to control the ships.

15 Finally Out To The Pacific, The Lock Gates Open…

07 Jul 2015 131
The final stage of transit as SEABOARD AMERICA awaits the final gates opening.

16 KAETHE P Follows To Final Lock Stage

07 Jul 2015 166
The bigger Container Ship follows its own cycle in the second lock chain. This ship is a long one,

17 KAETHE P Is A Tight Fit

07 Jul 2015 138
Not a lot of room here, as the bow is now very close to the lock gates.

18 CAP DOMINGO at Miraflore Locks

31 May 2015 1 138
Another big Container Ship, the CAP DOMINGO, begins it's transit through the nearside locks.

19 View From Radisson Summit Hotel Grounds

27 Apr 2015 149
The Hotel was set on a small hill and is mainly surrounded by an international golf course, but all are in wild Jungle, and access was arranged as a number of trails from the edge of the course.

126 items in total