01 Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam

2015 Panama Scenes and Other Wildlife

Folder: Central America
This album covers our trip to Panama via the international flight from Amsterdam, and our stay at two hotels near the Soberania National Park just north of Panama City. The first week was south of the Park in Paraiso, whilst the second week we stayed north of it at Gamboa, both close to the Panama Canal. Here are some of the scenes and animals which we saw at both places during our stay. A set of …  (read more)

56 Leaf Hopper or Cicada (Set)?

18 May 2015 138
Wingspan: 48mm. The spread insect of the previous picture, it is possible that it is either a giant Leaf Hopper or a Cicada.

57 Archasia belfragei (Treehopper)

21 Apr 2015 175
Membracidae - Body Length: 6mm. These small, highly specialised shape, Treehoppers came to our moth trap a number of times during our stay at Gamboa.

58 Weevil

23 Apr 2015 164
A small uninteresting Weevil (Sorry, Mr Weevil!), very definitely could be classed the "Lesser of Any Two Weevils".

59 A "Whatisit"?

23 Apr 2015 165
First try of the Light Trap at Gamboa resulted in a massive number of moths, but mainly tiny non-descript ones. In desperation I just turned the light off, opened the trap, and left them to escape. In the morning a few vagrants were still around and the yellow spot caught my eye still in the bottom of the cage.

57 Dragonfly

31 May 2015 151
Possibly a vagrant from one of the distant ponds dotted around the Golf Course. Probably attracted in at dusk when I activated the Moth Trap before going for our evening meal. The only specimen seen at this hotel.

61 Gamboa Foyer

31 May 2015 166
The main reception area for this hotel is huge, around 16 metres high and around 40-50 metres rectangular floor area. Built on the river slope, the front half of this area has walk-ways and steps down through indoor gardens including waterfalls and small pools, all inside huge picture windows. Together with artistic metalwork, this area is fascinating and beautiful to see. There are three levels below the main reception level and is alternatively served by a lift for guest not wanting to climb the stairs.

62 Gamboa Resort Interior Garden

31 May 2015 152
The stairs down from the Reception area leading to the two restaurants on lower levels.

63 Gamboa Resort Interior Garden Waterfalls

31 May 2015 137
Going down from the Reception level, there are a series of decorative waterfalls embedded in tropical foliage. Top right is the Bar area, where you can sit and look along all the tiers of this display, or go out onto a balcony to appreciate the view whilst enjoying refreshments.

64 Amazing Picture Windows at Gamboa Hotel

28 Apr 2015 142
These picture windows are around 6 metres high giving a wide view of the Rio Chagres over the hotel gardens. As well as the outside view, you can look down on the tiered inside gardens which link three other levels.

65 Gamboa Resort Lower Interior Gardens

31 May 2015 165
The steps of the mid-tier walkway of the interior gardens takes you down to the main restaurant and its outside balcony. The waterfalls fall to a short diversion under the wooden arch bridge (mid-left in the walkway) and out through the outside wall, dropping finally to the garden pools and water features.

66 Pool area in front of Gamboa Hotel

28 Apr 2015 139
The pool area was self contained, and the rest of the grounds are now made into a park-like environment. When we were here in 2007, the outer area was wild, and night tours on the Safari trucks took you to see Capybaras and an occasional Caiman in swampy conditions. This has all now been drained and is just grass now.

67 Road at back of Gamboa Hotel

28 Apr 2015 152
The whole area is part of the hotel, and this road comes past the back of the hotel from the Gamboa village and takes you down to a range of special exhibits which are maintained for the hotel by the Smithsonian Institute, which has a base on an island in the Gatun lake. Exhibits are in separate buildings, and include, an Orchid Centre, Reptile House, Tree Frog Display, Butterfly Flight and bird feeding area.

68 View up the Rio Chagres from Balcony

28 Apr 2015 160
A front view of the upstream area of the Rio Chagres, which feeds water into the Panama Canal. Although there are Tennis Courts there, the humidity and temperature seems to deter people from using them much, unless they get up at Dawn when it is coolest. We never saw anyone using them.

69 Road at back of Gamboa Hotel

28 Apr 2015 153
This view in the other direction from the back of the hotel shows the road going off towards the main Exhibit Area, and also takes tourists to the ground station of a cable-car which goes up to a hill-top viewing tower, where Howler Monkeys can be seen in the tree-tops and there is a superb view along the Canal (see our pictures from 2007, when we finally post them).

70 Gamboa Safari Truck coming back for trip

28 Apr 2015 166
These trucks are basic, with hard bench seats in the covered back. They are used to ferry people between the hotel and the exhibits or Cable-car Terminal, as well as for occasional other excursions. Not a comfortable ride, but the breeze from travelling is welcome, if you can hang on. :)

71 Jungle at your doorstep Gamboa

28 Apr 2015 148
The jungle view from our room entrance door across the back road. Previously all the walk-way lights always had large numbers of insects around them at night, but this time only a few could be seen. We suspect that all surfaces now are coated in contact insecticide, as the few insects found the following morning were always almost dead.

72 A Walk By The Rio Chagres, Gamboa

27 Apr 2015 171
A pleasant walk along this small creek (although very hot going upwards) down from the hotel to the Rio Chagres riverbank Los Lagartos restaurant. A small jetty at the end near the restaurant was used for hotel excursions along the river.

73 Black Vulture

25 Apr 2015 171
The creek seemed to be a very popular meeting place for Black Vultures in the area. This one was hopeful that there may be some food available, or maybe it was just keeping to the shade of the tree out of the Sun.

126 items in total