01 Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam

2015 Panama Scenes and Other Wildlife

Folder: Central America
This album covers our trip to Panama via the international flight from Amsterdam, and our stay at two hotels near the Soberania National Park just north of Panama City. The first week was south of the Park in Paraiso, whilst the second week we stayed north of it at Gamboa, both close to the Panama Canal. Here are some of the scenes and animals which we saw at both places during our stay. A set of …  (read more)

38 Beetle 3: Stenocrates sps

39 Longhorn Beetle 1

40 Longhorn Beetle 2

41 Longhorn Beetle 3

42 Metriophasma diocles

20 Apr 2015 378
Phasmidae. Body length 82mm. Our first find this trip! A pretty little stick insect which mimics dead grass at rest, laying along the leaf or stem. If disturbed it raises its wings like sails in an attempt at shock reaction from potential predators. Although not brilliant colours, the peacock blue flush at the wing- roots, and the dark- lined wings certainly make this little insect interesting.

43 Small Mantis Fly

20 Apr 2015 155
Neuroptera, Mantispidae B/L : 12mm Like a miniature Praying Mantis, this little fly was difficult to see in our moth trap. My thanks to Judith Marshall (NHM) for pointing to its identity.

44 Shield Bug 1

20 Apr 2015 1 178
Body Length: ~20mm One for you Maria! With its shiny green-gloss surface, it was very difficult to photograph with flash to freeze it properly, not including the impatience of it for being potted up from our moth trap for a few hours. Once out, it, and it's compatriots, we're off and running! I resorted to taking a number of pictures with available light using my iPad, and this is one of the better ones.

45 Shield Bug 2

18 May 2015 156
Body Length: 15mm. This little Bug was a bundle of activity, and difficult to keep in one place for a photograph, as you can see from the following picture as well.

46 "Sorry, Must Fly!" - Shield Bug 2

20 Apr 2015 1 158
Continuing activity from the previous picture, and after a series of contortions trying to follow it, I got it on to a twig, but it now had had enough so off it went. luckily, I managed to get a few pictures of it and this shows it on take-off.

47 Shield Bug 3

18 May 2015 116
Body Length: 15mm. Another lively one! These Bugs all seemed to be attracted to the Moth Trap light, as there was usually a number in the net the following morning. About the same size as SB 2, but more mottled and darker.

48 Shield Bug 3

18 May 2015 122
Another view looking at the head end showing the strangely shaped eyes which blend the head into the body when at rest.

49 Shield Bug 4

18 May 2015 155
Body Length: 13mm. Slightly smaller than the previous Bugs, visually it appeared all-over shiny black, but with flash a certain amount of dark mottling could be seen. It also had red eyes. This little Bug didn't survive the night in the trap, and was found dead in the bottom.

50 Assassin Bug 1

29 May 2015 140
Reduviidae Body Length: ~25mm. Individuals of this species appeared at various time in and around the moth trap during our time at the Radisson.

51 Assassin Bug 2

29 May 2015 149
Reduviidae - Body Length: ~25mm. A single specimen of this species was found inside the moth trap during our time at the Radisson.

52 Assassin Bug 3

29 May 2015 139
Reduviidae - Body Length: ~25mm. This specimen of a third species was found on the balcony wall near the moth trap one evening during our stay at the Radisson.

53 Wasp

54 Small Cicada

21 Apr 2015 152
Length Overall: 17mm. These mini-versions of a Cicada were quite common at the Radisson.

55 Leaf Hopper or Cicada?

18 May 2015 2 164
Length Overall: 29mm. This strange insect came to the light trap on the 15th April. At first it was thought that it was a strange moth, but the wings are without scales. It was kept to evaluate later, and the spread specimen revealed some interesting patterns and colour hidden by the cryptic fore-wings. It is shown in the following picture.

126 items in total