
B/W and monochrome

the professionals

01 May 1968 4 548
it's coming. where's ernie? dunno. he was right behind us. damn. I bet he stopped at that ice cream place. how are we gonna pull off this heist without him? just get ready. there's no turning back now. but he's got the plans! what? he wanted to carry something. you gave him the plans? we're screwed! so now what are we gonna do? wait and have some ice cream? RIP Jimmy 10/27/47 - 8/11/12

klaatu barada nikto

28 Dec 2010 8 3 665
where'd it come from, mister? I don't know. aren't you afraid? not me. I'm a scientist. I'm not afraid either. are you a scientist too? nope. I play a cowboy in this movie.

Catch Hell Blues

26 Feb 2016 5 4 584
catch anything? a little. gonna eat it? that's the plan. care to share? you want some of my catch? thanks! got any money? nope. then forget it. but I heard you say. . . you heard wrong.

Artificial Intelligence

21 Sep 2014 7 2 444
what are you doing today? I got a big test tomorrow. getting ready. so you're gonna hit the books? books? no way. I have a very good memory. the best ever. but you've read the material, right? no, I don't read. so how are you planning to pass this test? I have a lot of words. more than anyone. that's it? it's gotten me this far. that is so depressingly true.


22 Jun 1973 14 5 713
are you comfortable? of course. are you? I always am, when I'm looking at you. aw. shut up and take the picture.


03 Oct 2010 3 287
I heard that most buildings are meant to last 50 years. that doesn't seem like much. it isn't, really. I like the feeling that something is made to last a long time. unlike us, you mean. yeah. we're just a fleeting shadow in this life. true. noisy ones, though, eh? we gotta let somebody know we been here. I think they know. maybe about you they do. you too. I wonder.


19 Aug 2017 8 2 427
why do you do it, frank? why do I do what? hurt all those people? is it out of a sense of justice? justice? no. why then? there's some people I just don't like. oh. ok. I'm good with that. thought you would be.

Blind Faith

18 Mar 2012 4 1 319
may I help you across, sir? thank you, but my dog can do that. that's good, however, sometimes you must put your trust in strangers. blind faith, you mean. I won't let you down. no, you won't. the dog will see to that. smart puppy. the best.


29 Sep 1968 11 6 512
how do I look? great, dave. you look great. cool with the pipe and all? way cool. and my hair? it's all great. can I have my bike back please? oh. sure. thanks.

Mystery Train

22 Oct 2007 8 5 506
pardon me, is this the line for the next train? train? we're not here for a train. oh. well, I'm taking the next train to Detroit, you see, and don't want to miss it. mister, ain't gonna be no train. what do you mean? you see any tracks? well, no, but. . . you see a station? uh. . . no you don't. fact is, that train don't stop here anymore. no? so what are you doing? us? we keepin' an eye on the place. really. ten eyes, to be exact. can't be too careful. been here long? you could say that.

Circular Logic

10 Feb 2014 3 3 308
you know, mikey, my plan for a wall is really really popular. you think so donny? totally. I saw it on television. and so did many other people. so many. and they've confirmed it. so. . . I've had many many phone calls about it, believe me. so you think. . . I'm a winner. bigly. that's great, donny. just great. the polls. I'm going up in the polls. right.

Chains of Love

09 Oct 2011 5 408
may I help you sir? yes, I'm looking for a gift for my wife. very good. what did you have in mind? oh, something different. not the usual earrings, etc. well, we have quite a selection of unique items. I can see that. how much for that thing over there? oh, it's on sale this week, for only $3000 US. that's a little steep, don't you think? it's a rare piece, sir. you won't find it anywhere. isn't it a used 55-gallon oil drum? yes, but the workmanship is exquisite. it is nice. will you take $2,000 for it? oh, I couldn't let it go for less than $2,750. I'll give you $2,400. cash. you drive a hard bargain, sir. it's yours. think she'll like it? it will be an unexpected treasure, I'm sure. and she can always exchange it for another color. but they're all black and white. and shades of grey, sir. there's a difference. of course. shall I wrap it up, then? no, I think I'll wear it home. very good sir.


08 Oct 2011 4 1 423
nice place you got here, sol. yeah thanks. musta cost an arm and a leg. nah, just an arm. ha ha. I mean, uh, anybody I know? yeah, jimmy's. but he ain't complaining. no, he's beyond complaining I hear. yeah, way beyond it.

Race Bait

23 Jul 1977 5 348
gimme that phone, benny. I gotta call my bookie. but boss, the ball game is over. not the game. look out there. those boats are racing. I see 'em, boss. but they already started. how you gonna fix that? hey, what have I told you? anything can be fixed. even this? how? we find out which boat's gonna spring a leak, then bet on the other one. a leak? what, you want I should shoot some rowers? no! I'm a very peaceable man benny. you know that, right? glad to hear it boss.


18 Oct 2018 14 3 798
what are we doing here, arkady? I don't like this place. nobody does, comrade. well then? we have an informer in our midst. that's not possible! unfortunately, it is. do you know who? I do. he's in there. in. . . there? has he talked? oh yes. quite a lot. what about? about. . . . you, comrade. me? says you're his contact. no! it's a lie! maybe. we'll find out. what. . . what happens next? I think you know. isn't there anything I can do? say your prayers. that's funny, arkady. a lot of good that would do me. I really can't think of anything else. that's just great. well, you asked.


04 Aug 1982 8 3 673
uh, hello miss, is this china? I'm sure it is, or my name isn't christopher columbus. china? no sir. I don't know what china is, but you and your big boat must have missed your turn. oh, I did? oh. so, uh, I go back that way? yes. just go back. you'll find it, I'm sure. ok, well thanks, miss. sure, no problem. ok, boys, you heard the lady! this ain't china! so captain, what do we do now? we turn around and keep looking! that's it! queen isabella ain't gonna be happy, sir. I can't help that! you see that flora and fauna? it's obviously not chinese, right? uh, I guess. . . clearly, there's nothing of any use to us here! back this ship up! it's on to china! we're close! very close! I can feel it!

Space-Time Continuum

29 Aug 2018 15 1 556
good morning, herr doktor. my boy, you are about to participate in a great discovery! put this on. what is it? it's a space-time continuum machine! space consists of 3 dimensions, while time has only 1. yeah? space-time must, therefore, be a 4-dimensional object. I will now, for the first time, create that object! press this. ok. w-w-w-whoa! what's h-h-h-happening? mein gott! it works! you're stretching from the past into the future! w-w-w-what? how interesting. siri, make a note: he's turning into something that looks quite like spaghetti! n-n-n-n-o-o-o-o-o! don't worry. I'll look into reversing the effect. p-p-p-p-promise? of course! as soon as I find another subject, I mean assistant.

Bunker Buster

20 May 2019 9 1 526
the new air raid shelter is finished, major. excellent. let's have a look. hardened steel installed? as per your specs, sir. 6 foot cement walls? absolutely. extra-thick ceiling cap, with no openings? no open. . . what the. . . ? wait a minute! are those. . . holes in the ceiling of my bunker, corporal? uh, yes, sir. that's what they look like. sir. it's completely open! what is the meaning of this outrage?! we, uh, thought you'd like some. . . decorative touches. sir. decorative touches?! are you serious? we can change them, sir. we could, ah, make them a little more, uh, square. sir. square? you think that would be more appropriate, design-wise? oh, yes, sir. certainly sir. they would match your buttons! hmmm. they would at that. very well. see to it, corporal. right away, sir! who'd have thought? a tiny little decorative touch can go a long away, right? yes sir! very much so, sir!

149 items in total