
B/W and monochrome

second glance

05 Apr 1970 6 4 621
is it time? it's always time. good.

creature comforts

16 Sep 1972 24 3 1057
is there anything you need? just this. good.

twin towers

28 Aug 2001 8 8 1321
we're caught in its web! what web? whose? can't you see? we're trapped! did you take your meds today? uh, what makes you ask? just my intuition, that's all. what else does your intuition tell you? see those towers? my intuition is to stay away from them. why? I dunno. but you should listen to me on this one.

space/time continuum

22 Sep 2012 9 3 499
good morning, herr doktor. my boy, you're here just in time! behold my new invention! I can now merge space and time! distance has been rendered irrelevant! wow, that's great, doktor. what does it do? you are about to see! just step into my specially-designed booth over there. ok. now what? there is a duplicate booth on the other side of my lab. I'm going to send you there, molecule by molecule. instantly! what? you mean you're going to take me apart? and put you back together again! you won't feel a thing! have you done this before? well, er, yes. with your predecessor. and did it work? yes! well, he went somewhere, that's for sure. somewhere? what does that mean? where is he? floating in the ether, possibly disembodied. hard to say, actually. disembodied? oh my god! don't worry about a thing! but you better let me hold onto your wallet. just as a precaution, of course! I'm not sure about this, doktor. good thing lab assistants grow on trees! what? oh, nothing, nothing at all.

in the moment

27 Jun 1970 6 4 719
what is so funny? the way you look. me? how do I look? like you're having fun. I always was an open book.

on the town

06 May 2009 3 718
hey, mac, you need a cab? yeah. where to? take me to the nearest pawnshop. whaddya got to pawn? maybe I'll buy it. this ring. gimme 200 bucks, it's yours. what's it worth? cost me 10 grand. means nothing to me now. it's sweet. why ya want to sell it? because she ran out on me, is why. gee, that's tough, mac. but I only got 50 bucks. I'll take it. now drive around awhile. you gonna miss her? nah. she's someone else's nightmare now.

ancient customs, part 1: the phone booth

24 Oct 1979 10 19 1767
what year is this. and what is she doing? we've gone a long way back in time. she's talking on the phone. what, in that little compartment? yes. what's that snaky looking metal thing? that's the phone cord. it connects the receiver to the phone. why doesn't she just use her cell? she musta forgot it, right? she don't have one. they weren't invented yet. what? no cell phones? kind of shocking, isn't it? practically barbaric. how did the human race survive? just lucky, I guess. good thing we can return to our time. no shit. this is downright depressing. she's kinda cute though, for being so backward. she'll appreciate that sentiment, I'm sure.


07 Oct 2008 1 1 991
looks pretty modern, for a school that opened in 1907. it's not the original building, you idiot. hey, I didn't go here, ok? no kidding. no way they'd let you in. you're one to talk. I got in, didn't I? yeah, before they threw your ass out. a mere technicality. spoken like a true technician. all the way.

primordial ooze (that's mr. ooze, to you)

20 Aug 2008 15 7 814
behold: it is the stuff from which all life began. whattya mean? it's mud. exactly my point. well maybe you came from the mud, but I didn't. no? no way. I come from betelgeuse3. ah yes, a lovely little planetoid. yeah, and don't make fun of it. not me. I'm just a mud creature.


09 Jan 1969 6 4 471
hi ed. you're back. what's this?! is this a motorcycle? um. . . you brought a motorcycle into our apartment? er. . . what the hell is the matter with you? well. . . you know what the landlord is going to say? I. . . what are you an idiot? um. that is. . .


01 Jun 1966 6 2 701
can I come out now? but I'm not done looking at you yet. I'm not done looking at you, either. that's good.

your fears are justified

21 Jan 2006 5 2 343
lord? yes, archangel? your trees are suffering, lord. on earth? how so? man. noxious fumes. over-development. humans have done this? to my beautiful trees? yes, lord. they're dying. along with many other creations. this is not acceptable, archangel. no, lord, it is not. well, I have plans for humans. nobody messes with my trees and gets away with it. are you thinking of summoning your avenging angel? no. I'll take care of this myself. like on alpha centauri 6. the former planet? the one that defines the term 'cataclysmic'? that's the one. it's burned into my memory, lord. burned is the appropriate verb, archangel. heat up the brimstone vats, please. yes, lord. extra sulphur. of course.

scene of the crime

07 Mar 2010 14 16 2390
police line. no crossing. I just want to know what happened in there. I can't disclose that. it's too awful. c'mon. give me something! I'm a reporter! worst case I ever saw. that's all I can say. did they catch whoever did it? they know. but they don't care. what? what do you mean? I mean, a crime took place, and nobody cares. was anybody hurt? you could say that. where's the body? you're lookin' at it. what? that? the building? like I say. worst case I ever saw. I think I may agree with you.


09 Jul 1969 5 395
hello, may I help you? yeah, I'm the painter. I'm here to paint the building. painter? we called no painter. I wrote down the address. it's correct, right? well, yes. ok then. you want one coat or two? no no no. I want no paint. the building is covered in mosaic tile, you see. tile doesn't get painted. and nice tile it is too. but that don't solve my problem, which is I got a truck full of paint you are telling me you don't need. that is a problem, yes. so how you gonna fix it? what color is the paint? well, you got your reds, your yellows, your blues. the tiles here are a little. . . monochromatic, I suppose. I don't know about that. they're pretty black and white though. yes. maybe a little color here and there might be. . . acceptable. fantastic. we'll have this place looking like Disneyland in no time. actually, I'm not sure that would go over too well. no? how come? just a feeling.

problem child

30 Dec 2015 5 1 363
I'm home, Edna. how was your day? awful, Stanley! just awful! what's the matter? it's your brother! he's incorrigible! I can't take it anymore! really? he's only staying with us for a few weeks. how bad can he be? he acts like he's 13! he just plays with the dogs all day! making weird growling noises! and he's always hungry! I know he's your brother, but. . . where is he now? outside of course. running around in the yard. I think I'll join him. what? and when do we eat? I'm starving. I don't know. soon I suppose. woof! I mean, good.

taking tiger mountain by strategy

22 Sep 2016 7 2 602
hey, lou, what are you doing here? as you see. I'm trying to make some money. how's that working out? beats my day job. yeah? what's that? balancing the city's budget. damn. that sounds impossible. maybe. you gonna put some money into that bucket? oh. sure. thank you for helping to reduce the deficit. wow. creative fiscal strategy you got there. it is. how about another buck? no problem. I'm all for helping the city. way to go.

nobody's business but my own

06 Aug 1975 8 4 429
mind if I sit here? go ahead. it's a free country. that's what they say, if you can believe it. actually I don't. but you can sit here anyway.


22 Oct 2016 7 5 642
good morning, comrade general. here is your daily foreign intelligence briefing. thank you. what news? all good, sir. our agents are completely embedded in the executive branch in Washington, DC. and our prime asset? he is carrying out his instructions as a good state functionary. a russian functionary, that is. ha ha. he knows on what side his bread is buttered, eh, sergei? and we feed him lots of butter, don't we. that idiot is turning the USA into an SSR. one tweet at a time, eh, general? tell him to keep it up. not necessary. he's on line 2 for you now. he is? to apologize. he was quoted as saying he hoped Obamacare would "explode," not "implode" like we ordered. mistakes like that we can live with, sergei. I wonder if the Amerikanskis can. ask someone who cares.

149 items in total