
B/W and monochrome

45th parallel

03 Sep 2011 24 9 1021
halfway between the equator and the north pole. means nothing to me. why not? I feel like I'm halfway between heaven and hell. you don't say. and I don't like the direction I seem to be heading. from what I can see, I don't blame you. your faith in me is encouraging. you're welcome. I was being sarcastic. I wasn't.


29 Aug 2011 10 4 678
he'll be coming this way. how do you know? this is the only passage. that's not how I got here. what? it's not? no. I came the other way. there is no other way. I'm just telling you. I came the other way. ok. better send a guy over there too. not that he could come that way, of course. of course. there is no other way. I'm sure you're right. yeah. pretty sure. maybe.


28 Aug 2011 1 424
if anybody wants me, I'll be down there. doing what, exactly? communing with nature, if you must know. yeah? and what about that thing you need to do? hey, I gotta pay my respects to nature, ok? sure, but respect this: that thing can't wait long. what are you sayin'? I'm saying you're gonna be real close to nature. how close? like you can't tell where you stop and it starts. that's too close. thought you'd think so.


31 Aug 2011 3 4 699
feel those vibes? creepy. vibes? I don't feel anything. you don't? damn. it's so obvious. I just started this allergy medicine. must be that. I know they're in there too. who's in there? you know, witches. yeah? let's go say hello. no man, they'll turn us into rats or something. you believe that shit? c'mon, man. that's what they did to joey. hey, joey was always a rat. he snitched on everybody. yeah. he deserved what he got. don't want no witches turning me into a snitch. me neither.

impulse response

29 Aug 2011 10 10 620
I'm going in. don't. it's suicide. you can't make it. I have no choice. I must. it's not worth it, I'm telling you. it's worth everything. cover me. you don't even know it's in there. oh, it's there all right. I don't think so. there are no cars on this island at all. what do you mean? I heard the horn! that was my bicycle, you moron. you were in my way. I was not! oh hell. let's get something to eat. ok, but I'm a very good driver. of course you are.


07 Dec 2011 60 15 1653
is there anywhere you have to be? right here, is all. good.

the hidden lair of ba'al

11 May 2012 4 694
archangel, bring me Michael. I need him. what's happened, lord? are you. . . ok? I've had a narrow escape from my nemesis. you mean. . . ? yes, ba'al. he lured me to his evil lair. almost had me. but how could that be? you actually went to him? it was a moment of, I admit it, weakness. (gasp!) but he tempted me with a great deal on a used car. no! not again! it's true. luckily I was able to escape. and now? I summon my army of angels to rid the earth of this scourge. finally! he's sold his last piece of shit car. I promise you. O noble cause! well, I've seen better. but times are slow. evangelically speaking, of course. of course, lord.

forever young

13 Aug 1967 6 3 566
RIP Jimmy 10/27/47- 8/11/12


06 Oct 2012 7 2 916
may I help you? yeah, I'm here to pick up the new battle tank. excuse me? the new tank. the general want's to test it out. uh, we don't have any tanks here. what, someone else picked it up already? well, no. this is an art museum. we have. . . art. ok, buddy. stop fooling around. general wants his tank. yes, I see, but there's no tanks here, I'm afraid. look, what kind of armory is this, anyway? we have a few old cars on display. would one of those work? do they shoot? general likes stuff that shoots. er, no. maybe the general will like our next exhibit. yeah, what's that? the obsolescence of war as a problem solver between nations. sounds kind of pinko to me. will there be tanks? I'll see to it personally. ok then. hope we're not attacked before that. I totally agree.

bare essence

29 Jan 2013 42 7 997
is there anything else? not as far as I'm concerned, there isn't. good.


26 Jan 2013 28 10 803
is everything all right? couldn't be better. I agree.

level 7

21 Feb 2013 8 5 744
are we safe here? we should be, we're 7 levels below the surface. what's it like up there? burnt to a cinder, I expect. a nuclear wasteland. shit! so how long do we have to stay here? oh, 50 or 100 years. oh my god! what are we gonna do? what do you want to do? well, you know what I want to do. so let's do it. is it allowed? I won't tell if you don't. deal.

nothing to lose

22 Aug 1974 7 3 745
where are we going? anywhere but here. when will we get there? it doesn't matter.

no secret

01 Aug 1974 9 733
so there you are. I was looking for you. well, now you found me. what are you gonna do with me? you really want to know? why, is it a secret. not really.


02 Jun 2013 8 6 739
dude. let's grab some java. can't man. I got a meeting to go to. what meeting? don't tell anyone. I joined the illuminati. never heard of 'em. we're very secret. underground. oh yeah? then how'd they let a slacker like you join? I saw their ad on facebook. a secret society, you say? yeah. cool, eh? for sure.

law west of the pecos

20 Aug 2003 10 9 943
you're new in town, ain't ya stranger. yessir, marshal. I just rode in. I see you're wearing a pistol on your belt. that is true. I never go anywhere without it. well, the thing is, we don't allow no guns in this town. that a fact? so I'll have to ask you to hand it over. slow-like. but I gotta big shoot-out scene in this movie. is that so? who with? why, with you marshall, I guess. just one more reason to take your gun then. I don't think the director's gonna like that. is he wearing a badge? no, I expect not. well then, that don't mean spit, do it. I like riding around on my big horsey. you are one tough hombre, aintcha. I surely am. and I look good on camera too. I don't doubt it for a second. whoa there, horsey. take it easy. this movie'll be a real firecracker. I can see that.

and she is

16 Oct 1970 13 8 726
don't you have anything to say? I would. but I've lost the power of speech. that's what I like to hear.

149 items in total