Jesse Lor's photos

Hawaiian Electric Company 46kV

09 Jun 2018 2 92
46kV riser pole.

Hawaiian Electric Company 12.5kV

Hawaiian Electric Company 12.5kV

Xcel Energy 34.5kV

14 Jun 2019 2 1 86
Some old (for 34.5kV) childhood poles I saw every time I visited family in the northern suburbs. Xcel replaced these poles not long after this picture was taken (a new apartment complex was being build off to the left hence the construction prep).

Hawaiian Electric Company

10 Jun 2018 4 1 106
Narrow 46kV construction.

Hawaiian Electric Company

Hawaiian Electric Company

13 Jun 2018 4 102
Some odd poles here. Especially that one in the back.

Aluminum Romex

27 Nov 2020 1 3 241
Recently, my father and I were cleaning out the garage at our place where we removed an old defunct heater that sat in the back of the garage for years. When we removed the heater, I noticed the wiring was too light to be copper and upon closer inspection, the sheathing said "KAISER ALUMINUM". I've never seen Al romex before in person so I thought it was pretty neat to come across this, however, I do recall reading stories of house fires, electrical failures, etc from this type of wiring.

Street Light

19 Jun 2016 4 1 188
Some street lightning I saw a while back in Orange County, California.

Dunn Energy Cooperative

30 Jun 2017 5 4 172
Nothing special, just a three phase feeder running along a rural road.

St. Croix Electric Cooperative

23 May 2018 3 1 165
An older transformer pole with a 'dropped' single phase tap.

Old NSP Transformer Pole

10 Nov 2013 4 2 186
A photo I took in 2013 of a 7.9kV pole with a short crossarm and glass on the neutral. Unfortunately Xcel rebuilt the entire line to full three phase last year and everything, including this pole and others like it, bit the dust.

Central Iowa Power Cooperative-Derecho Aftermath

17 Aug 2020 1 2 165
(Not my picture) A line of downed poles after the derecho.

Central Iowa Power Cooperative-Derecho Aftermath

17 Aug 2020 2 145
(Not my picture). Just a photo of some storm work following the recent derecho that ripped through the midwest. I've seen quite a handful of out-of-state utility trucks on the freeways, presumably headed towards areas that were hardest hit. I do know that Dairyland Power has been providing mutual aid assistance for Central Iowa Power, along with other utilities such as Corn Belt Power.

Xcel Energy 7.9 & 19.9kV

09 Jul 2020 3 3 216
An updated shot of this oddball line.

Xcel Energy 34.5kV

09 Jul 2020 2 210
A relatively new pole that was put up sometime this year. The previous pole wasn't even that old-it was installed sometime around 2006-07 ( ) . I'm guessing some type of accident must have occurred, leading them to replace the pole. Lastly, they mounted the blasted dead-end arm backwards!

Duke Energy

22 Jun 2020 1 143
A friend from NC took these pictures and sent them to me. Looks like a reconductor job.

Xcel Energy 34.5kV

21 Jun 2020 1 2 143
A brand new line that went up last year to replace a ratty old 7.9kV line that was across the road. During these last few years, Xcel has been rebuilding many of their lines to full three phase in the rural suburbs-this line being one of them. I'm not entirely sure what their motive is considering all the load on this line is served from the road phase. This line simply dead-ends a mile or so at the next intersection (34.5kV ends and a newly rebuilt 13.8kV line begins). I'm guessing this is prep for the nearby city of Woodbury since new developments are springing up like crazy. I read a report a while ago which stated Xcel's plans to put a new substation in the vicinity to accommodate increasing power demands in Woodbury. However, residents retaliated and insisted the sub be relocated in Woodbury instead.

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