Aosta - Collegiata di Sant'Orso

Valle d'Aosta + Piemont + Liguria

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 1 86
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 2 1 158
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 1 99
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - The façade is elaborately decorated. The large mullioned window has the figure of Christ in the center flanked by the two archangels Michael and Raffaele. Above the mullioned window are two angels holding candles. Higher up there are two seraphim (with six wings). At the peak, in a niche is a bust depicting probably God the father. A tympanum is over the portal.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 113
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - The façade is elaborately decorated. Crowned and enthroned Mary is in the center of the tympanum. She is flanked by angels - and the Holy Spirit whispers someting to her.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 1 62
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - The nave is divided by jubé. The jubé has five ogival arches, and is decorated by two rows of polychrome sculptures. In the lower one is a series of 36 ancestors of Jesus. In the upper row are scenes of the life of Mary and the symbols of the four Evangelists. The jubé was created by a Burgundian school. The long inscription tells, that it was was completed in 1189. The serie of Jesus`ancestestors follows the Gospel of Matthew. Five of patriarchs are not on the jubé, but painted on the columns flanking it. Maybe the structure was originally longer, perhaps it is planned for another location, and then reduced at the time of its current installation.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 2 86
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - A more detailled view of the jubé, that is decorated by two rows of polychrome sculptures. In the lower one is a series of 36 ancestors of Jesus. In the upper row are scenes of the life of Mary and the symbols of the four Evangelists. The jubé was created by a Burgundian school. The long inscription tells, that it was was completed in 1189. The serie of Jesus`ancestestors follows the Gospel of Matthew, but 5 of patriarchs are not on the jubé, but painted on the columns flanking it. Maybe the structure was originally longer, perhaps it is planned for another location, and then reduced at the time of its current installation.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 98
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was a seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - The nave opens behind the jubé. The choir has a very interesting design. Red bricks and white sandstones. I have seen similar designs in Tuscany and Umbria.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 122
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - Along the nave are some nicely carved capitals. Depicted here is Solomon playing a vielle, acommpanied by a falcon.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 2 124
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century, when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - Along the nave are some nicely carved capitals. Depicted here is the Visitation and the Nativity.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 91
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - Along the nave are some nicely carved capitals. Long haired Samson tearing the lion apart. A very common icon.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 100
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - Along the nave are some nicely carved capitals.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 1 123
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - The cloister once was the heart of the monastic life.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 109
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - This graffito was surely done in the 19th century after the abbey was sold as "national property" and was privately owned.

Albugnano - Abbazia di Vezzolano

01 Jul 2019 1 84
Legends connect the foundation of the Abbazia Santa Maria di Vezzolano to Charlemagne. It does date back to the eighth century and got destroyed in the 10th century by the Saracens. The complex was rebuilt until 1189 and is documented as an Augustinian monastery from 1095. It was the seat of a community until the 19th century when it was suppressed during the Napoleonic invasion of Italy. - The cloister was adorned with frescoes, of which the most are lost or very damaged. This one was created within the 14th century and is still pretty much intact. Following the information given the fresco was sponsored by the noble family of Rivalba. Dying Oberto de Rivalba can be identified in the lowest part. This is a warning of "vanitas". Above him are the Magi, who may resemble members of the Rivalbas, adoring the child. Crowned by a Pantokrator.

Chieri - Santa Maria della Scala

01 Jul 2019 93
The former Collegiate Church "Santa Maria della Scala in Chieri". As it is really large, it is often named "Duomo di Chieri", though it never was a cathedral. The first church here was erected on the site of a Roman temple to Minerva within the 5th century. This got replaced by a Romanesque buildig in the first decades of the 11th century. From 1405 on this Romanesque church got completely remodeled and rebuilt in Gothic style and was consecrated in 1437.

Chieri - Battistero del Duomo

01 Jul 2019 111
The former Collegiate Church "Santa Maria della Scala in Chieri". As it is really large, it is often named "Duomo di Chieri", though it never was a cathedral. The first church here was erected on the site of a Roman temple to Minerva within the 5th century. This got replaced by a Romanesque buildig in the first decades of the 11th century. From 1405 on this Romanesque church got completely remodeled and rebuilt in Gothic style and was consecrated in 1437. - The ocotogonal "Battistero del Duomo" is Romanesque and older than the Duomo. It was built from bricks coming from Roman buildings within the 13th century and was originaly detached from the Romanesque Duomo. It was connected to the Gothic structure.

Chieri - Battistero del Duomo

01 Jul 2019 2 93
The former Collegiate Church "Santa Maria della Scala in Chieri". As it is really large, it is often named "Duomo di Chieri", though it never was a cathedral. The first church here was erected on the site of a Roman temple to Minerva within the 5th century. This got replaced by a Romanesque buildig in the first decades of the 11th century. From 1405 on this Romanesque church got completely remodeled and rebuilt in Gothic style and was consecrated in 1437. - The ocotogonal "Battistero del Duomo" is Romanesque and older than the Duomo. It was built from bricks coming from Roman buildings within the 13th century and was originaly detached from the Romanesque Duomo. It was connected to the Gothic structure.

Chieri - Bagni Pubblici

01 Jul 2019 1 74
Public Baths were erected when during the industrialisation of the 19th and early 20th century the living quarters of the workers lacked any kind of hygiene standards. We are used to have running hot and cold water and even rain forest showers. Our forefathers walked to the public baths - once in a while.

171 items in total