Aosta - Collegiata di Sant'Orso

Valle d'Aosta + Piemont + Liguria

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 154
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style, but parts of the ambulatory and the large crypt below the choir were not demolished and are still originating from the Romanesque church.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 155
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style, but parts of the ambulatory and the large crypt below the choir were not demolished and are still originating from the Romanesque church. Once probably all the interior walls of the crypt were covered with frescoes.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 213
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style, but parts of the ambulatory and the large crypt below the choir were not demolished and are still originating from the Romanesque church. Once probably all the interior walls of the crypt were covered with frescoes, though this one is clearly younger than that, seen on the previous upload.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 201
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style, but parts of the ambulatory and the large crypt below the choir were not demolished and are still originating from the Romanesque church, - so this capital in the crypt survived.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 209
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style, but parts of the ambulatory and the large crypt below the choir were not demolished and are still originating from the Romanesque church. The crypt´s ambulatory - and a large Roman sarcophagus, created for the chief officer Atecio Valerio in the 1st century, but used since the 10th century for the relics of San Besso (= Saint Bessus), who may have been a soldier of the Theban Legion led by Saint Mauritius, or a martyred local shepherd. Different legends tell different stories.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 181
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style, but parts of the ambulatory and the large crypt below the choir were not demolished and are still originating from the Romanesque church. Right in the center of the crypt stands this a large Roman sarcophagus, that, following the inscription, was created for the chief officer Atecio Valerio in the 1st century. Since the 10th century for the the sarcophagus was used to store the relics of San Besso (= Saint Bessus), who may have been a soldier of the Theban Legion lead by Saint Mauritius, or a martyred local shepherd. Different legends tell different stories.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 1 210
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style. The eastern part of the church, with the crypt (previous upload), the apse and the two towers suvived the "modernisation" of the 18th century, though most windows of the apse and the blind arches got bricked up.

Ivrea - Duomo di Santa Maria

01 Jul 2016 199
The first Christian church was built here at the site of a Roman temple in the 4th century. A tree nave basilica existed in the 9th century. A Romanesque cathedral was built, when Bishop Warmund (= Warmondo) had his episcopal see here, end of the 10th century. It is known, that this church had a "westwerk", following the Ottonian architecture, popular at that time north of the Alpes. Alterations and rebuildings were undertaken in the 13th, 15th and 16th century. In 1785 it was rebuilt again in a Baroque style. The eastern part of the church, with the crypt, the apse and the two towers suvived the "modernisation" of the 18th century, as well as this last part of the medieval cloister. Probably here (and in the Bishop´s palace) a land dispute was discussed between Bishop Warmund and Arduin of Ivrea, who had become Margrave of Ivrea in 990. This was a conflict between the regional (North-Italian) nobility and the (German) emperors, who appointed the bishops. From 996 to 998, Warmund was forced from his see by Arduin. After in 999 the bishop of Vercelli was killed when Arduin's men, who had burned down his church with him and his canons inside, Warmund excommunicated Arduin. This did not stop Arduin´s career, he became King of Italy in 1002. Actually Arduin was still remembered here, when at the university of Ivrea, a group of enthusiasts created "Arduino", a small open source computer, that became very popular wordwide.

Ivrea - Balotelli

01 Jul 2016 165
Looks like "Super Mario" Balotelli's shirt considerably shrunk under the hot Italian sun.

Susa - Arco di Augusto

01 Jul 2016 1 203
Marcus Julius Cottius was king of the Ligurian tribes inhabiting the region now known as the "Cottian Alps", that became part of the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. Segusio (= Susa) at that time was the capital of "Alpes Cottiae". Cottius had the "Arch of Augustus" built from white marble 9/8 BC to record the renewed alliance between Emperor Augustus and him. A frieze, depicting a suovetaurilia, a ritual sacrifice. Above that is the (very long) dedicatory inscription to ".. Imperator Caesar Augustus son of a god, Pontifex Maximus.." The wall to the right is much younger than the arch. It belongs to the "Castello della marchesa Adelaide" (= Castle of Marquise Adelaide), where Adelaide of Susa (aka Adelaide of Turin), who married Otto of Savoy in 1046, once lived. She had joined Henry IV, later her son in law, on his way to Canossa in 1077.

Susa - Arco di Augusto

01 Jul 2016 162
Marcus Julius Cottius was king of the Ligurian tribes inhabiting the region now known as the "Cottian Alps", that became part of the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. Segusio (= Susa) at that time was the capital of "Alpes Cottiae". Cottius had the "Arch of Augustus" built from white marble 9/8 BC to record the renewed alliance between Emperor Augustus and him. There is a (very long) dedicatory inscription to ".. Imperator Caesar Augustus son of a god, Pontifex Maximus.." A frieze runs all around the arch - 33 meters. It depicts a suovetaurilia, a kind of ritual sacrifice of pig (sus), a sheep (ovis) and a bull (taurus). The bull is seen to the left.

Susa - Arco di Augusto

01 Jul 2016 1 181
Marcus Julius Cottius was king of the Ligurian tribes inhabiting the region now known as the "Cottian Alps", that became part of the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. Segusio (= Susa) at that time was the capital of "Alpes Cottiae". Cottius had the "Arch of Augustus" built from white marble 9/8 BC to record the renewed alliance between Emperor Augustus and him. A frieze, depicting a suovetaurilia, a kind of ritual offering. Above that is the (very long) dedicatory inscription to ".. Imperator Caesar Augustus son of a god, Pontifex Maximus.." Seen here are two young Vandals, climbing the arch, while their father is capturing the climb on video.

Susa - Santa Maria Maggiore

01 Jul 2016 3 2 190
The former parish church was erected around 1000, but got deconsecrated within the 18th century - and since then got remodeled. The old silhouette is easy to detect with the tower, but the fomer church contains flats.

Susa - Porta Savoia

01 Jul 2016 2 188
The Porta Savoia, a large Roman gate, with two towers, dating to the 4th century is next to the Cattedrale di San Giusto, built as an abbey church around 1100.

Susa - Porta Savoia

01 Jul 2016 1 171
The Porta Savoia, a large Roman gate, with two towers, dating to the 4th century is seen in the background. To the right the massive base of the cathedral´s campanile. The cathedral was built as an abbey church around 1100, but got altered and remodeled many times later.

Susa - Cattedrale di San Giusto

01 Jul 2016 213
Olderico Manfredi (= Ulric Manfred II of Turin), Adelaide´s father (see previous uploads) founded a Benedician abbey here in 1029 to house the relics of San Giusto di Novalesa. The abbey church was built around 1100 and has since been refurbished and restored several times. The campanile is 51 metres high, the spire was added in the 15th century. When in 1772 the bishopric of Susa was created the abbey church was made the cathedral of the new diocese.

Sauze d'Oulx - Grand Hotel la Torre

01 Jul 2016 149
A strange round building towers over the Val di Susa. From the architectural point of view probably one of the most interesting hotels I have ever been in - as it does not have stairs. It was commited by Giovanni Agnelli as a mountain camp for the children of employees of FIAT company and created in 1937 by Vittorio Bonadè Bottino.

Sauze d'Oulx - Grand Hotel la Torre

01 Jul 2016 140
A round building towers of the Val di Susa. From the architectural point of view probably one of the most interesting hotels I have ever been in - as it does not have stairs. It was commited by Giovanni Agnelli as a mountain camp for the children of employees of FIAT company and created in 1937 by Vittorio Bonadè Bottino.

171 items in total