Porto - Ponte Dom Luís I


All photos were taken in Portugal.


01 Oct 2013 150
After three local shepherd children witnessed a Marian apparition here in 1917, Fátima has developed into a major pilgrimage site of the Catholic Church. What started with a small chapel in 1918 is now the huge Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima that includes two basilicas. Between the basilicas is a vast square. To the right is the "Capelinha das Aparições" ("Chapel of the Apparitions"). In the backdrop the "Basílica da Santíssima Trindade" ("Basilica of the Holy Trinity"), consecrated in 2007. The fourth largest Catholic church - wordwide. www.fatima.pt/en/


01 Oct 2013 1 142
After three local shepherd children witnessed a Marian apparition here in 1917, Fátima has developed into a major pilgrimage site of the Catholic Church. What started with a small chapel in 1918 is now the huge Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima that includes two basilicas. The round "Basílica da Santíssima Trindade" ("Basilica of the Holy Trinity") was consecrated in 2007. This is the fourth largest Catholic church - wordwide. www.fatima.pt/en/


01 Oct 2013 1 154
After three local shepherd children witnessed a Marian apparition here in 1917, Fátima has developed into a major pilgrimage site of the Catholic Church. What started with a small chapel in 1918 is now the huge Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima that includes two basilicas. Only partly seen to the left is the round "Basílica da Santíssima Trindade" ("Basilica of the Holy Trinity"), consecrated in 2007. In the backdrop is the "Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Rosário" ("Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary"), built 1928 -1953. www.fatima.pt/en/


01 Oct 2013 1 92
After three local shepherd children witnessed a Marian apparition here in 1917, Fátima has developed into a major pilgrimage site of the Catholic Church. What started with a small chapel in 1918 is now the huge Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima that includes two basilicas. These waxen sculptures are votive offerings, that will be thrown in the fire - and melt. The pious pilgrims could also buy waxen legs, arms and even internal organs, that looked a bit scary. www.fatima.pt/en/


01 Oct 2013 1 1 123
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. The modern buildings of the university (25.000 students today!) are obviously a good spot for wedding photos.


01 Oct 2013 2 1 162
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. Today more than 20% of the Coimbra´s population are students at the university. So the number of coffee shops and small bars in the old (and hilly) part of the town is no surprise.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 1 76
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha", here seen from the hill above, is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral Sé Nova. The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. In the 16th century there were many additions made to the cathedral.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 1 127
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. One of the many hints about the masters´ origin are the capitals and corbels of the apse.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 1 122
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. In the 16th century there were many additions made to the cathedral, but the western portal is still Romanesque.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 2 261
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. In the 16th century there were many additions made to the cathedral, but the western portal is still Romanesque and has some nice capitals. Here is one of them. Two bird-chimarae killing two lions - symmetrically and simultaneously. In the upper left corner is a little sign, that looks like a snail shell. Probably a mason's mark.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 127
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. In the 16th century there were many additions made to the cathedral, but the western portal is still Romanesque and has some nice capitals. Here is one of them. Two bird-dog-snake chimarae. Above the couple is a mason's mark.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 1 132
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 1 125
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. Around 1218 the building of the cloister, adjoining "Sé Velha", started.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 1 118
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. Around 1218 the building of the cloister, adjoining "Sé Velha", started.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 109
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. Around 1218 the building of the cloister, adjoining "Sé Velha", started.

Coimbra - Sé Velha

01 Oct 2013 116
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. "Sé Velha" is the old Cathedral of Coimbra. Erected mid 12th century, this was the bishopric until the seat was moved in 1772 to the new cathedral "Sé Nova". The erection of the cathedral is attributed to Master Robert and Master Bernhard, who probably came from France. Around 1218 the building of the cloister, adjoining "Sé Velha", started. Many of the cloister´s capitals are still complete. This one depicts two birds, nibbling a fruit. Maybe an "open" pomegranate, cannot be maize..


01 Oct 2013 101
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. Having a "late coffee" in the old part of Coimbra.

Coimbra - São Tiago

01 Oct 2013 142
A Roman settlement, named "Aeminium" existed here. When the neighbouring town "Conimbriga" got conquered and destroyed by the Suebes in 468, the survivors moved to "Aeminium" - and renamed it. The Visigoths under King Wittiza named the town "Eminio" later. In 714 the town was conquered by Muslim troops, who changed the name again. Coimbra was finally recaptured in 1064 by King Fernando de Castilla y León. Coimbra became the second capital of the Kingdom of Portugal (after Guimarãesin) 1139, a status that moved to Lisbon in 1256. The University of Coimbra, founded by Denis of Portugal (aka "Dom Dinis") in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe. The small Romanesque church, dedicated to Saint James ("São Tiago") was consecrated in 1206, but it may be that this was already the second church here. Local, oral history tells, that Fernando I on recapturing Coimbra from the Moors in 1064, founded a church dedicated to St. James this very site. Today the church faces to the "Praça do Comércio".

199 items in total