Porto - Ponte Dom Luís I


All photos were taken in Portugal.

Rates - São Pedro de Rates

01 Oct 2013 80
The church was built over a pre-Romanesque one dating from the 8th/9th century. In 1100 the church and the convent were bestowed by Henry of Burgundy, Count of Portugal, the Cluniac priorate of La Charite-sur-Loire (about 1500kms northeast). French monks moved in, helping the pilgrims heading north to Santiago. The convent gathered impetus in the 12th century with the support of Afonso I of Portugal (aka "Dom Afonso Henriques", as he was Henry of Burgundy´s son). The church São Pedro de Rates is the the only remaining building of the former monastery. It is believed to be one of the oldest existing romanesque churches in Portugal. The nave.

Rates - São Pedro de Rates

01 Oct 2013 101
The church was built over a pre-Romanesque one dating from the 8th/9th century. In 1100 the church and the convent were bestowed by Henry of Burgundy, Count of Portugal, the Cluniac priorate of La Charite-sur-Loire (about 1500kms northeast). French monks moved in, helping the pilgrims heading north to Santiago. The convent gathered impetus in the 12th century with the support of Afonso I of Portugal (aka "Dom Afonso Henriques", as he was Henry of Burgundy´s son). The church São Pedro de Rates is the the only remaining building of the former monastery. It is believed to be one of the oldest existing romanesque churches in Portugal. A little rough carved "Agnus Dei" inside the church. Another one is on the tympanum of the side portal. This one has the inscription "AGNUSD".

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 62
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade was probably erected late 12th century.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 155
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade was probably erected late 12th century.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 1 129
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade with this fantastic portal was probably erected late 12th century.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 115
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade and this fantastic portal was probably created late 12th century. A well dressed bishop/abbot with a crozier and a mitra is in the center. He is depicted in a blessing gesture. He is flanked by two smaller persons holding books (probably the bible) - and in the corners a bird under a sun symbol - and a small mermaid holding a moon symbol. The style is pretty rough, but impressing.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 135
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade was probably created late 12th century. The corbels under the roof my be a bit older. Here is a monkey.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 119
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade was probably created late 12th century. The corbels under the roof my be a bit older. Here is another monkey and a deer (?).

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 76
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The side-portal is created in a different artistic style. The tympanum depicts (hard to see) two fighting dragons.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 136
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade was probably created late 12th century. The corbels under the roof my be a bit older. Here is musician, probably playing a very sentimental and romantic melody, so his listener is very relaxed and dreaming away.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

01 Oct 2013 96
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. This mermaid is on the left side of the side-portal. On the right side lurks a centaur with a bow.

Barcelos - Lenda do Galo de Barcelos

01 Oct 2013 88
The legend of the Rooster of Barcelos ("Lenda do Galo de Barcelos") tells the story of a dead rooster's miraculous intervention in proving the innocence of a man who had been falsely accused and sentenced to death. According to the legend, silver had been stolen in Barcelos, and the inhabitants of that city were looking for the thieve. A man from Galicia became suspect, despite his pleas of innocence. The Galician swore that he was just passing through Barcelos on a Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. The authorities arrested the pilgrim and condemned him to hang, but he asked them to take him in front of the judge who had condemned him. So he was taken to the judge, who was holding a banquet with his friends. Affirming his innocence, the pilgrim pointed to a roasted cock on the table and exclaimed "It is as certain that I am innocent as it is certain that this rooster will crow when they hang me." The judge then not eat the rooster, but he ignored the Galician's appeal. However, while the pilgrim was being hanged, the roasted rooster stood up on the table and crowed. The judge ran to the gallows, to discover that the Galician had been saved from hanging thanks to a poorly made knot in the rope. The man was immediately freed and sent off in peace. Actually the legend exists in different variants along the different "Caminos de Santiago", but here the pilgrim returned to Barcelos and sculpted this "Cruzeiro do Senhor do Galo".

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

01 Oct 2013 77
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The right part of the facade has the Romanesque facade, though it was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state.

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

01 Oct 2013 2 95
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The portal of the Romanesque church is now "integrated" into the church´s facade. The portal was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state.

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

01 Oct 2013 3 139
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The portal of the Romanesque church is now "integrated" into the church´s facade. The portal was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state. There are three archivolts with some interesting (and enigmatic) carvings. Is here a is a wrestling - or a hugging couple?

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

01 Oct 2013 129
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The portal of the Romanesque church is now "integrated" into the church´s facade. The portal was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state. There are three archivolts with some interesting (and enigmatic) carvings. Above a bishop or abbot (crozier, mitra) is a knight on horseback with sword and shield. Horses were much smaller at that time, than they are today. But for sure - not that short.

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

01 Oct 2013 89
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The portal of the Romanesque church is now "integrated" into the church´s facade. The portal was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state. There are three archivolts with some interesting (and enigmatic) carvings. There are three archivolts with some interesting (and enigmatic) carvings. Here are (outer archivolt) a well dressed lady. Manuel L. Real ("Portugal Roman", Edition Zodiaque) sees a dancer. She is followed by a fully armed knight and a mythivcl dragonlike animal, spitting fire.

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

01 Oct 2013 99
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The portal of the Romanesque church is now "integrated" into the church´s facade. The portal was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state. There are three archivolts with some interesting (and enigmatic) carvings. This is the central stone of the outer archivolt. Five very stoic looking gentlemen, sitting on snakes. Are they fighting the snakes? Or are they demonstrating that snakes cannot harm them?

199 items in total