Pont du Gard

Lozère (48) and Gard (30)

Photos taken over years in the departements Lozère (48) and Gard (30), now parts of Occitanie.

Saint-Bonnet-de-Montauroux - Saint-Bonnet

01 Aug 2019 2 146
The church was founded around 1280as a private church by the Lord of Montauroux. Meanwhile it is the parish church of the small community. I found this very uncommon corbel. Does this guy suffer from a heavy form of mumps? Or is it a strange style of beard.

Grandrieu - Saint-Méen

01 Aug 2019 2 1 80
The chapel dedicated to St. Méen is located near Grandrieu. This may have been a pagan place of worship. A cavity dug in the granite forms a kind of small bathtub always filled with water. This is where parents once plunged children skin diseases, hoping for healing. Around the 12th century the place was Christianized with the construction of a rough cross. In 1863 when after the construction of the road from Chapeauroux to Grandrieu the access got easy a chapel was built there, which got inaugurated in 1871. Saint Méen of Brittany (~ 540-617) is a Breton saint, thought to be Cornish or Welsh in origin. He is known in Cornwall as Saint Mewan.

Grandrieu - Saint-Méen

01 Aug 2019 5 6 153
The chapel dedicated to St. Méen is located near Grandrieu. This may have been a pagan place of worship. A cavity dug in the granite forms a kind of small bathtub always filled with water. This is where parents once plunged children skin diseases, hoping for healing. Around the 12th century the place was Christianized with the construction of a rough cross. In 1863 when after the construction of the road from Chapeauroux to Grandrieu the access got easy a chapel was built there, which got inaugurated in 1871. The basin is near the cross. Saint Méen of Brittany (~ 540-617) is a Breton saint, thought to be Cornish or Welsh in origin. He is known in Cornwall as Saint Mewan.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 2 98
There are two theories about the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, fresco paintings were found.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 1 94
There are two theories around the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, fresco paintings were found. Under the roof are some nice corbels. Here a goat and an ox peek down to the visitor standing in the sun.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 1 121
There are two theories around the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, fresco paintings were found. Under the roof are some nice corbels. Here hand holding a crozier, it may come from 1305, as since then it was depending on the episcopate of Mende.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 4 1 107
There are two theories around the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, fresco paintings were found.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 96
There are two theories around the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, 14th century fresco paintings were found.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 92
There are two theories around the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, 14th century fresco paintings were found. Here Saint Bartholomew blesses the poor little soul the devil has grabbed already.

Grandrieu - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 1 74
There are two theories around the founding of this church. One connects it to the Lords of Montauroux, who owned the area, the other connects it to the influence of Norman or Breton monks, claiming the 12th/13th century church was built by monks from Brittany. This would explain, why the near chapel (see prev. uploads) was dedicated to (Breton) Saint Méen. In 1923, when restoration work carried out in the south side chapel, 14th century fresco paintings were found. The gilded statue of the virgin has a somehow "medieval look", but is probably quite young.

Saint-Denis-en-Margeride - Saint Denis

01 Aug 2019 4 1 124
The rural exodus let the population of Saint-Denis-en-Margeride shrink by 80% over the last 120 years. Less than 200 people now live in the village. Located in the centre is this12th century parish church.

Fontans - Saint Pierre

01 Aug 2019 1 111
Just like neighbouring Saint-Denis-en-Margeride Fontans has lost most of its population over the last decade due to the rural exodus. Today about 200 people live near the 12th century church, dedicated to St. Peter. Four men are needed to ring the bells. The bells: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYlLefhruAs

Fontans - Saint Pierre

01 Aug 2019 1 118
Just like neighbouring Saint-Denis-en-Margeride Fontans has lost most of its population over the last decade due to the rural exodus. Today about 200 people live near the 12th century church, dedicated to St. Peter. Four men are needed to ring the bells. The once probably single nave church got onviously enlarged later. The bells: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYlLefhruAs

Fontans - Saint Pierre

01 Aug 2019 3 71
Just like neighbouring Saint-Denis-en-Margeride Fontans has lost most of its population over the last decade due to the rural exodus. Today about 200 people live near the 12th century church, dedicated to St. Peter. Four men are needed to ring the bells. The once probably single nave church got obviously enlarged later. Two modifications are visible at once. One is the Gothic vaulting, the church originally may have a flat ceiling, the other one is the 19th century decoration, that today looks a bit gaudy.

Fontans - Saint Pierre

01 Aug 2019 72
Just like neighbouring Saint-Denis-en-Margeride Fontans has lost most of its population over the last decade due to the rural exodus. Today about 200 people live near the 12th century church, dedicated to St. Peter. Four men are needed to ring the bells. The once probably single nave church got enlarged later. The 12th century capitals are roughly carved.

Fontans - Saint Pierre

01 Aug 2019 2 99
Just like neighbouring Saint-Denis-en-Margeride Fontans has lost most of its population over the last decade due to the rural exodus. Today about 200 people live near the 12th century church, dedicated to St. Peter. Four men are needed to ring the bells. The once probably single nave church got enlarged later. The 12th century capitals are roughly carved.

Les Quatre Chemins - Chez Regine

01 Aug 2019 1 88
All "pelerins" having ever walked the Via Podensis (GR65) know this place. Some hours after having passed through Aumont Aubrac, there is a junction, named "Les Quatre Chemins" and there is this auberge. It looked different, when I had a (terrible) coffee here in 2009 (Coke is ok). The building was heavily damaged by a fire in February 2011, but it meanwhile got rebuilt. The auberge was founded by Régine Soulier´s grandparents in 1903 and has seen many thousands of pelerins since then. I had a coke there, Régine was still behind the bar.

La Capelle - Saint Martin

01 Aug 2019 1 99
Since 1973 the formerly small, but independent municipality of La Capelle is part of La Canourgue that by now has a population of more than 2000. St. Martin was probably built after the 12th century and its Romanesque architecture was altered in the course of the centuries. Originally this was a single-nave church with three bays. The side chapels were added in the 17th century, the steeple dates from the 19th century.

101 items in total