Pont du Gard

Lozère (48) and Gard (30)

Photos taken over years in the departements Lozère (48) and Gard (30), now parts of Occitanie.

Saint-Julien-du-Tournel - Château du Tournel

01 Aug 2018 147
The Château du Tournel once was the seat of the Barons of Tournelis. The castle was erected in the 13th century on a rocky outcrop overlooking the valley of the Lot. The site was reputed to be impenetrable, but during the Wars of Religion it was taken by the Huguenot troops under infamous Matthieu Merle. Since then it is in ruins.

Saint-Julien-du-Tournel - Saint-Julien

01 Aug 2018 1 136
The church was mentioned the first time in 1229. It is located in the center of the hamlet´s graveyard. During the Wars of Religions the church got severely damaged. It got rebuilt in the 17th century. While the nave is clearly Romanesque, the facade, seen here, was built new after the Wars. The design with the bells can often be found in the area.

Saint-Julien-du-Tournel - Saint-Julien

01 Aug 2018 1 116
The church was mentioned the first time in 1229. It is located in the center of the hamlet´s graveyard. During the Wars of Religions the church got severely damaged. It got rebuilt in the 17th century. The nave is clearly Romanesque, the fresco in the apse was added within the 17th century.

Saint-Julien-du-Tournel - Saint-Julien

01 Aug 2018 100
The church was mentioned the first time in 1229. It is located in the center of the hamlet´s graveyard. During the Wars of Religions the church got severely damaged. It got rebuilt in the 17th century. The nave is clearly Romanesque. The nave is flanked by 19th-century-statues, one is this copy of the "Infant Jesus of Prague".

Saint-Julien-du-Tournel - Saint-Julien

01 Aug 2018 174
The church was mentioned the first time in 1229. It is located in the center of the hamlet´s graveyard. During the Wars of Religions the church got severely damaged. It got rebuilt in the 17th century. The nave is clearly Romanesque. The baptismal font is probably from the early time of the church. It may have gotten battered to pieces during the Wars of Religions, so today only half of it still exists.

Tour de France - Alaphilippe

01 Aug 2018 114
The "Tour de France" (aka "La Grande Boucle") is the world wide most famous bike race held in France every year in July. It consists of 21 day-long stages and covers about 3.500 kms. To find encouragements, sprayed on to the roads is quite normal. Here somebody supported Julian Alaphilippe, who in 2018 won two stages and the overall mountains classification. So he obtained the polka dot jersey.


01 Aug 2018 122
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat", from where this shot was taken. The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. The center is bordered by boulevards which took the place of the ancient walls.

Mende - Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat

01 Aug 2018 600
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat", from where this shot was taken. The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. A church existed here already in Merovingian times. The cathedral is actually the fourth church on this spot. Pope Urban V, who was born in the Lozere, strongly supported the erection of this cathedral, that started mid 14th century, when Pope Urban V resided in Avignon. The construction was near completion, when a fire destroyed the cathedral. Then Pierre Morel, who had worked in Chaise-Dieu, took over the construction site. The death of Urban V in 1370 interrupted the work for about for more than 60 years. The main altar was consecrated in 1467. The cathedral has two different bell-towers. The higher one (84m) was paid for by the Bishop, the lower one (65m) by the Canons. During the Wars of Religions Mende was conquered (on Christmas 1579) by huguenot troops led by Matthieu Merle. As the troops needed ammunition, the melted down all bells of the cathedral below the bells was "Non-Pareille", the largest bell in Christendom at that time. In 1581 Merle was back in Mende again. He ransomed the population to collect 4000 Ecu and swore to destroy the cathedral in case the people could not raise the money. As the people were unable to raise the sum, he carried out his threat with great efforts - but unfortunately pretty successful. The cathedral was rebuilt from 1599 to 1605. Around 1620 new stained glass windows were installed. They got destroyed in the turmoil of The French Revolution, when the smaller tower was used as a prison. Major rebuildings and renovations started in 1840, when the cathedral got on the list of historic monuments.

Mende - Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat

01 Aug 2018 1 437
Mende´s historic city center developed around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. A church existed here already in Merovingian times. The cathedral is actually the fourth church on this spot. Pope Urban V, who was born in the Lozere, strongly supported the erection of this cathedral, that started mid 14th century, when Pope Urban V resided in Avignon. The construction was near completion, when a fire destroyed the cathedral. Then Pierre Morel, who had worked in Chaise-Dieu, took over the construction site. The death of Urban V in 1370 interrupted the work for about for more than 60 years. The main altar was consecrated in 1467. The cathedral has two different bell-towers. The higher one (84m) was paid for by the Bishop, the lower one (65m) by the Canons. During the Wars of Religions Mende was conquered (on Christmas 1579) by huguenot troops led by Matthieu Merle. As the troops needed ammunition, the melted down all bells of the cathedral below the bells was "Non-Pareille", the largest bell in Christendom at that time. In 1581 Merle was back in Mende again. He ransomed the population to collect 4000 Ecu and swore to destroy the cathedral in case the people could not raise the money. As the people were unable to raise the sum, he carried out his threat with great efforts - but unfortunately pretty successful. The cathedral was rebuilt from 1599 to 1605. Around 1620 new stained glass windows were installed. They got destroyed in the turmoil of The French Revolution, when the smaller tower was used as a prison. Major rebuildings and renovations started in 1840, when the cathedral got on the list of historic monuments.

Mende - Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat

01 Aug 2018 212
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. A church existed here already in Merovingian times. The cathedral is actually the fourth church on this spot. Pope Urban V, who was born in the Lozere, strongly supported the erection of this cathedral, that started mid 14th century, when Pope Urban V resided in Avignon. The construction was near completion, when a fire destroyed the cathedral. Then Pierre Morel, who had worked in Chaise-Dieu, took over the construction site. The death of Urban V in 1370 interrupted the work for about for more than 60 years. The main altar was consecrated in 1467. The cathedral has two different bell-towers. The higher one (84m) was paid for by the Bishop, the lower one (65m) by the Canons. During the Wars of Religions Mende was conquered (on Christmas 1579) by huguenot troops led by Matthieu Merle. As the troops needed ammunition, the melted down all bells of the cathedral below the bells was "Non-Pareille", the largest bell in Christendom at that time. In 1581 Merle was back in Mende again. He ransomed the population to collect 4000 Ecu and swore to destroy the cathedral in case the people could not raise the money. As the people were unable to raise the sum, he carried out his threat with great efforts. The pillars of the nave were weakend and then huge fires were started inside the nave so the ceiling collapsed. The cathedral was rebuilt from 1599 to 1605. Around 1620 new stained glass windows were installed. They got destroyed in the turmoil of The French Revolution, when the smaller tower was used as a prison. Major rebuildings and renovations started in 1840, when the cathedral got on the list of historic monuments.

Mende - Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat

01 Aug 2018 347
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. A church existed here already in Merovingian times. The cathedral is actually the fourth church on this spot. Pope Urban V, who was born in the Lozere, strongly supported the erection of this cathedral, that started mid 14th century, when Pope Urban V resided in Avignon. The construction was near completion, when a fire destroyed the cathedral. Then Pierre Morel, who had worked in Chaise-Dieu, took over the construction site. The death of Urban V in 1370 interrupted the work for about for more than 60 years. The main altar was consecrated in 1467. The cathedral has two different bell-towers. The higher one (84m) was paid for by the Bishop, the lower one (65m) by the Canons. During the Wars of Religions Mende was conquered (on Christmas 1579) by huguenot troops led by Matthieu Merle. As the troops needed ammunition, the melted down all bells of the cathedral below the bells was "Non-Pareille", the largest bell in Christendom at that time. In 1581 Merle was back in Mende again. He ransomed the population to collect 4000 Ecu and swore to destroy the cathedral in case the people could not raise the money. As the people were unable to raise the sum, he carried out his threat with great efforts. The pillars of the nave were weakend and then huge fires were started inside the nave so the ceiling collapsed. The cathedral was rebuilt from 1599 to 1605. Around 1620 new stained glass windows were installed. They got destroyed in the turmoil of The French Revolution, when the smaller tower was used as a prison. Major rebuildings and renovations started in 1840, when the cathedral got on the list of historic monuments. Following the information given here, the crypt dates to the third century! Down here is the tomb Saint Privat an early missionary martyred in his hermitage on the "Mont Mimat". The first church was built over this grave

Mende - Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat

01 Aug 2018 196
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat". The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. A church existed here already in Merovingian times. The cathedral is actually the fourth church on this spot. Pope Urban V, who was born in the Lozere, strongly supported the erection of this cathedral, that started mid 14th century, when Pope Urban V resided in Avignon. The construction was near completion, when a fire destroyed the cathedral. Then Pierre Morel, who had worked in Chaise-Dieu, took over the construction site. The death of Urban V in 1370 interrupted the work for about for more than 60 years. The main altar was consecrated in 1467. The cathedral has two different bell-towers. The higher one (84m) was paid for by the Bishop, the lower one (65m) by the Canons. During the Wars of Religions Mende was conquered (on Christmas 1579) by huguenot troops led by Matthieu Merle. As the troops needed ammunition, the melted down all bells of the cathedral below the bells was "Non-Pareille", the largest bell in Christendom at that time. In 1581 Merle was back in Mende again. He ransomed the population to collect 4000 Ecu and swore to destroy the cathedral in case the people could not raise the money. As the people were unable to raise the sum, he carried out his threat with great efforts. The pillars of the nave were weakend and then huge fires were started inside the nave so the ceiling collapsed. The cathedral was rebuilt from 1599 to 1605. Around 1620 new stained glass windows were installed. They got destroyed in the turmoil of The French Revolution, when the smaller tower was used as a prison. Major rebuildings and renovations started in 1840, when the cathedral got on the list of historic monuments. The cathedral is the home of "Notre-Dame de Mende", a "Black Virgin". Legends tell that she was brought to Mende between 1212 and 1222 by bishop and crusader Guillaume de Peyre. She is first mentioned in 1249. Originally she was covered by a silver gilt and hold Jesus on her lap. During the Wars of Religions, the Protestant troops intended to burn her, but she was saved by courageous church ladies. At that time she had already lost baby Jesus and her hands.

Mende - Tour des Pénitents

01 Aug 2018 1 116
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat". The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. The center is bordered by boulevards which took the place of the ancient walls - and the 15 towers around Mende. The "Tour des Pénitents" was part of this old fortifications, built in 1161 by Bishop Aldebert. In 1593 was restored and in the 17th century, an adjoining chapel was built for the "Confrérie des Pénitents Blancs" (Brotherhood of the White Penitents). As the tower from then on served as a bell tower it got the present name then.

Mende - Tour des Pénitents

01 Aug 2018 1 166
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat". The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. The center is bordered by boulevards which took the place of the ancient walls - and the 15 towers around Mende. The "Tour des Pénitents" was part of this old fortifications, built in 1161 by Bishop Aldebert. In 1593 was restored and in the 17th century, an adjoining chapel was built for the "Confrérie des Pénitents Blancs" (Brotherhood of the White Penitents). As the tower from then on served as a bell tower it got the present name then.

Mende - Chez Julien

01 Aug 2018 1 173
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat". The historic city center is all around the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat. The center is bordered by boulevards which took the place of the ancient walls. It looks like Julien has already left Mende already some time ago.

Mende - Maison Pons

01 Aug 2018 1 210
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat". The owners of the boulangerie (founded 1936) did keep up with the times and invested into a vending machine.

Mende - Le Paradis du Chien

01 Aug 2018 1 121
The city of Mende (pop. ~ 12000) is situated in the high valley of the Lot, within the area of the "Grands Causses" (limestone plateaus). One of these plateaus is the "Mont Mimat". I had found the "Le Paradis du Chien" already 8 years ago - and was a little disappointed to find the paradis locked up. Given up! But no! The paradise had moved away probably due to the sucess to larger premises. I found at facebook, that dog-owners love the paradise. The PiP has the old shot.

Saint-Bonnet-de-Montauroux - Saint-Bonnet

01 Aug 2019 2 1 89
The church was founded around 1280 as a private church by the Lord of Montauroux. Meanwhile, it is the parish church of the small community.

101 items in total