Pont du Gard

Lozère (48) and Gard (30)

Photos taken over years in the departements Lozère (48) and Gard (30), now parts of Occitanie.

Saint-Jean-du-Gard - Col de Saint Pierre

01 Apr 2010 138
The Col de Saint Pierre is the last of all cols on the way to Saint- Jean-du-Gard. Here the GR70 crosses an old "Route Royale".

Mende - Graffito

01 Mar 2010 82
This carved graffito is on a doorway of a renaissance house in the center of Mende. I read " BAnte 1786 " and below that "CHAVCHA" or "ACHAVCHA".

Mende - Paradis du Chien

01 Mar 2010 100
Well, we do not own a dog. So, when we were in Mende, we did not have a dog with us, what was good, as the "Paradis du Chien" in Mende was closed. Judging from the old wooden door and the stairs (right), the building probably looked pretty different, before it was changed into a paradise. But - on the other hand - can a paradise close at all? Shouldn´t a paradise not be open all day and night? Does hell has opening hours too?

Florac - The Château

01 Apr 2010 239
The "Château de Florac" is a actually 13th century castle, rebuilt in the 1650s after the religious wars. Today it hosts headquarters of the Cévennes National Park. In front of the castle is another classical french symbol: a Peugeot 504! The Peugeot 504 was introduced 1968 and won the title "European Car of the Year" in 1969. The 504-station wagon was launched in 1970. Peugeot produced about three millions 504s in Europe upto 1983. The Peugeot 504 was succeded by the - Peugeot 505.


01 Apr 2010 159
After Stevenson had reached Saint-Jean-du-Gard Stevenson he sold his donkey Modestine. Maybe here, in front of the chateau, next to the fontain (that shows his portrait today). The GR70 leads on to Alès, but Stevenson never walked that in 1878. He took a coach.

Gorges du Tarn - Point Sublime

01 Apr 2010 86
Not only the "Grand Canyon" in Arizona has a "Point Sublime". The "Gorges du Tarn" has a one as well. Other than in the US, here is a nice little, well-heated snackbar, that offers great "café au lait" in large cups. Merci beaucoup!

Quézac - The brigde

01 Apr 2010 140
This medieval bridge, built around 1450, spans the Tarn and leads to Quézac, a village, where Pope Urban V, founded a collegiate (like in nearby Bédouès). - Today Quézac is known from the label of a bottle. The sparkling mineral water "Quézac" is bottled here from springs known already since gallo-roman times. About 70 millions of these bottles leave the village per year.

Le Rozier - Jonte

01 Aug 2017 112
Early evening in Le Rozier, a village (pop. ~ 150) in the "Parc National des Cévennes" ("Cévennes National Park"). Here the rivers Jonte and Tarn confluent. Le Rozier is a good place to "explore" the gorges of the Tarn and the Jonte - plus there are two nice restaurants here.

Les Vignes - Gorges du Tarn

01 Aug 2017 156
Les Vignes, a small village in the Gorges du Tarn. The canyon of the river Tarn is about 50 kms long.

Uzès - St.-Théodorit

12 Aug 2010 112
The romanesque cathedral Saint-Théodorit destroyed within the Cathar Cruisade, was rebuilt but destroyed again during the Wars of Religion. The church of today was constructed within the 17th century. Just the 12th century bell-tower, named today "Tour Fenestrelle" survived the centuries (though "reconstructed" in the higher levels). The tower is round - and seems to be a very close cousin of the italian campaniles.

Uzès - St.-Théodorit

12 Aug 2010 137
The romanesque cathedral Saint-Théodorit destroyed within the Cathar Cruisade, was rebuilt but destroyed again during the Wars of Religion. The church of today was constructed within the 17th century. Just the 12th century bell-tower, named today "Tour Fenestrelle" survived the centuries. The structure of the round bell-tower is pretty complex, as to be seen here. In the middle the head of a ram, very common within that time. Below over the pillar a human face.

Gorges du Tarn

01 Aug 2017 1 123
Tourists sitting in small punts are guided by locals through the narrow canyon.

Gorges du Tarn

01 Aug 2017 160
I had seen already a traffic jam on the river Ayveron some days ago, here I learned, that canoes and kayaks are just everywhere. The dog was looking for trouts...

Gorges du Tarn

04 Aug 2017 1 1 155
For most tourists here swimming or canoeing through the canyon probably offers just enough thrill. Adrenaline-junkies step on the iron passerelle on the cliff - and jump down. 107 meters of free fall. Secured by a bungee rope. It takes about twenty minutes to climb up - and a scream and some seconds to be down again. www.le107.com/en/#

Gorges de la Jonte

01 Aug 2017 108
The Jonte River is a tributary of the Tarn River, which it joins in Le Rozier. Just like the Tarn, the Jonte has cut an impressive canyon into the Causse, a limestone plateau.


01 Aug 2017 135
Sainte-Enimie, down in the valley, is situated at the crossroads of the transhumance lanesm trodden in the past by flocks from Languedoc to the lands of Aubrac and Margeride. Many villages here could only reached by footpaths. The road along the Gorges de la Jonte was built in 1875, the road along the Gorges de Tarn between 1895 and 1907.


01 Apr 2010 145
Not only Le Puy en Velay has a Virgin, towering over the town! The small village of Cheylard-l'Évêque has one as well.


01 Aug 2018 78
The village of Cubières down in the valley.

101 items in total